Chapter Two

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Phil's phone began to buzz and displayed an image of himself and Jake. Phil was enveloped in Jake's arms and was laughing hysterically, with his mouth wide open and pearly white teeth on full display. Jake's eyes were fixed on Phil's closed ones, an innocent smile played across his lips and his dirty blonde fringe had fallen over his face. It looked as if they were completely in love with each other.

Phil clicked the answer button and pressed the phone to his ear. 'Hey, babe. Everything alright?' he asked, carelessly draped across his bed.
'Yep, everything's fine! Just wondering if I could come over? Sarah's out for the day and it's a bit lonely in this flat.'
Sarah was Jake's roommate, who, in Phil's opinion was quite outspoken and demanding. On multiple occasions when Phil has been at Jake's, Sarah would shout for Jake to make her a coffee, or a cheese toasty, when she is perfectly capable herself. Being the obedient person he is, Jake would immediately stop whatever he was doing, whether it be scrolling on Tumblr or wrapped in Phil's arms, and walk to the kitchen to obey Sarah's commands. However, since Phil was so kind-hearted and hated to complain, he never said a word about Sarah to Jake.
'Of course you can come over. I don't think Dan will be home until late either, so you may as well spend the night and keep me company' Phil replied.
'Alright,' Jake said, smirking 'I'll be over in 10'
'Love you'
'Love you, too'
And with that, Phil ended the call and pocketed his phone.


Hope you liked the second chapter!

I hope that I'll be able to update regularly..

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