Chapter Seven

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Katie was placing little kisses on Dan's member, but this almost innocent action was soon replaced by Katie completely engulfing him. Her head was bobbing back and forth and her blonde hair was swaying with the motion. Dan leaned against the wall, letting out a sigh, totally forgetting about Phil and his gorgeous eyes and raven hair and perfect, pearly white teeth. Dan's thoughts were interrupted when he noticed that Katie had pulled away. When he looked down he noticed she had turned herself away from Dan and was bent over. Dan zipped up his jeans and went over to her. It took him a second to realise that she was a sickly pale colour and was throwing up on the cold ground. Katie let out a horrible retching noise, and Dan, taking pity on her, pulled her hair out of her face. After a couple minutes Katie sat back and looked up at Dan. Her hazel eyes were glossy with moisture and her pallor was startling.
'You alright?' Dan slurred.
'Yeh... Sorry about that' she replied guiltily.
'Honestly, it's fine. That'll be me in a bit I suppose.' He said with a pathetic giggle. 'Well, I better head home. Thanks for um...' he trailed off, not really knowing what to say. He saw Katie smile back at him and then turned around and stumbled towards the pub doors.

It should have been a quick walk home but Dan could barely walk straight. He almost went head first into a lamppost, but managed to step out the way just in time. However, this sudden movement caused him to topple forward, only regaining his balance when his hand miraculously found the aforementioned lamppost and clutched tightly. After a dizzying fifteen minutes, Dan was at the front door of his and Phil's flat. He fumbled around for his keys, trying not to make too much noise so as not to wake Phil. After finally locating his keys and managing to jam them into the old, dodgy lock, he entered the house and began removing his coat. Unfortunately he somehow was able to trap his left arm in the sleeve and let out a series of muffled grunting noises in an effort to untangle himself from the grasps of the black jacket.

After realising that he may have woken Phil, his initial thought was to check. So he made his way clumsily towards Phil's bedroom. When the door creaked open, he saw that Phil was half awake, glaring at Dan from beneath a mound of duvets and blankets. Dan giggled drunkenly, and made his way to Phil's bed, lifting the covers, and squeezing in next to Phil.
'Sorry, Philly.' Dan said, sticking out his bottom lip, 'I promise I didn't mean to wake you!'
Phil smiled weakly at Dan, too tired to shove him away. 'You stink of vodka, Dan.' He mumbled in reply.
Dan sighed and wrapped himself around Phil. Some part of Dan's mind attempted to remind him that this wasn't the best idea, but Dan was too intoxicated to listen and instead fell asleep, mouth hanging open and drooling onto Phil's pillow.


Sorry I didn't update for like 4 days I have exams this week :/

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