Chapter 61; Part 2

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Wembley, UK- February 13, 2016

Harry's POV

My eyes opened to the sun shining through the last hotel window, I would look through the morning before a show. Today was the final day of tour, the final day of One Direction as of right now. The feeling was bittersweet, but I felt like I had finally come to peace with the end.

Everyone was here- all of our families, some friends, all of our management and crew over the years, everyone was here to say their final goodbye to the last six years, and celebrate with us into our new era.

The bed beside me was empty, as well as Mia's crib, so I assumed the two of them were in the lounge with Jen's family. I laid in this spot for several minutes, thinking about how my life how turned out since my first audition all those years ago. This life was meant to be mine, not just career wise, but it lead me to meet my soulmate, and gave me the most precious gift of a daughter, I could possibly imagine.

Tomorrow was the day that our entire relationship had lead up to. The day she would no longer just be my girlfriend, but my bride to be. Nothing made more sense to me than marrying Jen, and committing myself to her for the rest of my life. I couldn't think of a better way to end one chapter of my life, and start a new one, with her.

I flung the sheets off myself, walking towards my suitcase, to retrieve the ring I had managed to have hidden the entire trip. I usually had it locked up in the hotel room safe, when Jen wasn't around, but she had barely left my side in this town, so I hadn't managed to lock it up here.

I dug into the very bottom of the suitcase, gripping onto the small box that held my future inside. I sat onto the floor, opening the blue packaging to view the diamond ring that was about to change my life. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, there was every chance she would say no, and that would kill me. I couldn't see how I would recover from that rejection, so I hoped I wouldn't have to.

As much as I should have been focusing on today being the last show, and allowing myself to feel the things I should have been feeling about it, staring at this ring kind of gave me the comfort of knowing there was a greater purpose to life than my job. There was something better waiting for me, something to go home to, something to look forward to.

It wasn't even the ring itself that gave me peace with departing from this era of my life, it was her- the girl who made me realise love did exist, who gave me a purpose beyond my own needs, the girl I knew would be there with every curtain raise and fall, and after every light stopped flashing. She made me feel like a human, not just another headline. She was my future- the light at the end of this tunnel.

"What are you doing?" A voice startled me from my thoughts, making my heart stop at the thought Jen had caught me looking at the ring, a day short of the proposal.

"You scared me," I looked up, relieved it was just Sam, standing in front of me. They sounded so similar, anyone could have gotten confused as to who was talking.

"Why are you sitting on the floor, just staring at the ring? Are you crazy? Jen was going to walk in here, but I just said I'd go, and lucky for you I did," she scolded me, like I was a child that had gotten caught doing something they shouldn't have been.

"Kind of wish it was her, don't really like showering alone," I smirked, placing the ring into the safe, and locking it up until tomorrow.

"Right, because you two weren't loud enough last night, you needed round two this morning," she retorted.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned her, panicking about who exactly heard us last night. I didn't think we were ever really that loud, but I guess when you were in that euphoric state, your self control is non existent.

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