Jen's POV
My heart ached leaving that hotel room, closing the door on Harry before I completely broke down, finally allowing that painful love sweep through every inch of my body. It was crushing. Every fibre within me felt suffocated beneath the reality that I no longer had control over the future of my relationship. It was now all in his hands.
Willow immediately pulled my into her as his door closed, allowing me to weep into her arms. I couldn't stop the tears, and I could barely breathe between sobs. This hurt more than any time before. This wasn't a normal argument, this was greater than I ever anticipated. He was sick, he needed help, and not even the threat of losing me made him admit that.
This had to all be on him now. He had to see what he was losing, and what he was risking, but continuing to deny that he had a problem. It all stemmed from his mental health. He needed treatment, he needed rehabilitation, but he was too damn stubborn to see that. I did what I had to do. I could no longer be his shoulder to lean on. He needed to stand on his own two feet, and realise his life meant something. He needed to live for himself, not just me or Mia.
"What happened? I kind of heard screaming, but I couldn't make out what was said," Willow asked, rubbing the back of my head in the same comforting way my parents did. I missed them right now. My mum would know exactly what to say to make me feel hopeful. I needed that material comfort right now.
"I want to go to Anne," I managed to get out, pulling away from Willow's embrace.
"Calm down, you're going to make yourself sick," she held onto my arms, trying to soothe me. It wasn't working, I just wanted the next best thing to my own mum. Anne would know what to say.
"I want Anne," I said again, more agitated than before. I was still finding it hard to breathe between my breakdown, but the thought of getting out of here before Harry came after me, was the only thing keeping me sane right now.
"Okay, we'll go down to Gemma, come on," she didn't let me go, still rubbing my back and holding onto me as the elevator took us back down to the lobby, where Gemma and Mia were waiting.
"What's happened?" Gemma shot up as soon as she spotted my state, meeting me in the hallway.
"She wants your mum. It's all I've managed to get out of her," Willow answered for me, since I felt incapable of even speaking anymore. I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to go. If he came down and tried to fight for us right now, I knew I would break and give in. I couldn't do that.
"I'm going to talk to him. He's clearly done something to put you into this state," she tried to give me Mia, but I stopped her.
"I want to leave. Don't go up there, please just listen to me and get in the car. Gemma please just do what I want," I begged her, hoping she would listen.
"Is he okay?" She asked me. I knew he wasn't, I'd just made his biggest fear come true. He needed this cleanse. He needed to meet his worst reality. I just hoped this wasn't all for nothing.
"I'll keep an eye on him. Just take her to your mum's house. I'll call if anything drastic happens, I promise," Willow assured her, as much as if assured me. I still wanted to know he was okay, even if I couldn't be the one to comfort him.
"Okay. You have both our numbers, please call if you need anything," she asked of Willow, before we finally left this hotel, and started our journey to Anne's house.

Something Infinite
FanfictionWith the future looking uncertain at the end of Something Greater - the second book in the Something Great trilogy - has Jenelle survived the dark turn her labour has taken, or is Harry set to be a single father? Life has now become a balancing act...