Chapter 14: Meeting Exo

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Third Person's POV:

The boys were mostly happy as they would get a new choreographer, a female one specially. Kai was the most happy one among the boys.

Finally, we'll get a female choreographer. I just hope she's hot- Kai said playfully, trying to irritate Suho.

Yah, Kim Kai. She's our choreographer. Don't you dare to do something stupid to her- Suho warned him which only earned him a giggle from the young one.

Don't be such a killjoy. We won't harm her. We'll just play around- Chanyeol defends Kai.

Baekhyun was still thinking about Joanna. He went to his room and jumped onto his bed.

He was sure the girl Kai referring to was non other than his wife Joanna.

He was in deep thoughts. Thousands of scenarios kept running through his mind.

What brings you here, Joanna? You came to see me? Then how come you didn't come to me?- Baekhyun was mumbling to himself.

He heard Suho yelling at the boys. He just sighed.

I'm done talking to you guys. I'm saying it for the last time, do not do anything stupid- Suho emphasized the last word and walked away.

Yah! What's wrong with hyung? I'm not gonna follow his instructions. I'm gonna have a lots of  fun- Kai said with a smirk.

Count me in- Chanyeol said as he patted Kai's shoulder.

I think Suho is right. I mean we don't know her, we didn't even saw her. So we should just meet her first- Lay said in a thoughtful tone.

Yah, hyung. We know you'll agree with Suho hyung. SuLay- they teased Lay.

It's nothing like that- Lay groaned and walked away.

They burst into laughter. Hey, let's go for shopping. We'll buy something for our new choreographer too- Sehun said with excitement.

Aigoo. Our thoughtful maknae- Chen teased.

Yeah, that's a great idea. Let's have some fun. We'll treat her right- Kai said with a crooked smile. Chanyeol got the hint and a smirked appeared on his face.

Let's go and buy some gifts for her then- Xiumin said, not knowing Kai and Chanyeol's intentions.


Joanna was on cloud nine. She was jumping and roaming around.

Hey, little princess. Are you happy now?- Leon asked her softly.

Yes. Very happy. I can't thank you enough guys. I'm very grateful to you guys- Joanna said gratefully.

Ailee, Sohee and Leon hugged her tightly. They all have each other.

Hey, listen. Now that you're going to be their choreographer, be careful and don't make Baekhyun angry. Please- Sohee pleaded.

I'll be a good girl- Joanna said in a childish tone.

You'll meet them tomorrow. Don't give them the cold vibes you give your students. Be gentle- Leon softly said, patting her shoulder.

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