Chapter 18: Lazy Choreographer

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Baekhyun's POV:

It's 12:30 am. I'm still awake. I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about Joanna. She is strange. She seems happy, but then all on a sudden she becomes sad, rude, harsh all at the same time. I am unable to understand her.

But she looks so angelic when she's asleep. I don't know why but she seems very familiar to me. My thinking went away when I felt a sudden pain on my chest.


B-baekhyun, don't go please. Don't leave m-me. l-look I c-can explain. Don't leave me, please. I can't live without you-

I heard each and every word she said. Hey, what's wrong? Just wake up. It's hurting. You're literally digging your nails on my chest. Joanna, I shook her hard to wake her up.

She woke up with a jerk and her eyes shot open. She was scared.

Hey, are you fine? You need something? You had a nightmare- I said softly, caressing her cheeks. She leaned into my touch.

I wasn't prepared for her sudden action. she didn't utter a word but instead came close to me. Our faces were inches apart. She looked in my eyes. W-what? She hugged me. Her initiatives always astonished me. It leaves me stunned.

Hey, why are you crying? You scratched my chest. I'm the one who should cry- I triedto lighten up the mood.

She broke the hug and look at me. She said sorry while sobbing. She was looking super cute. Wait. Did I just say cute? Can't be.

She laid down and waited for me. She wrapped her arms around me as I laid down beside her.

This time I won't let you go- I heard her say these exact words.

What's with this girl? Does she mean anything she say?



Joanna, it's already 7:40 am. We have 20 minutes left. Wake up- I tried to wake her lazy ass up.

Baby, let me sleep. I didn't sleep for two nights. Please let me sleep for five more minutes- she said groggily.

Wake up or I-I'll kiss you- I said hesitantly.

Huh? Her eyes shot open and she jumped from the bed.

Baekhyun. I'm awake, ok? I'm going. Ugh. I'll be ready in five minutes- she said, getting down from the bed.

I grabbed her wrist, turning her towards me. Wae? You don't want me to kiss you?- I teased Joanna. I could see her turn into a pink puffy ball.

She pushed me lightly and ran towards the bathroom. This time I let her go.

She came out from the bathroom. Again in bathrobe. I swear, my heart skipped a beat.

Are you trying to seduce me Joanna. Cause it's not gonna w-work- I tried to tease her, but failed in my attempts.

She smirked at me. Is it so? But seems like it's working even if I'm not trying though- she countered.

This little girl. Ugh.

It's not working- I said, this time confidently. Even if you try, you can't- I challenged her in a teasing way.

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