Chapter 35: Love Hurts

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Joanna's POV:

Sorry, Sehun~ah. I kept you waiting for a long time- I apologized as I pinched his cheeks.

I can wait for you always, honey- Sehun cooed.

I burst into laughter. Yah! Sehun~ah, that's so cheesy. I never knew my friend is so chessy- I teased him.

J, stop teasing. Let's go now, shall we?- Sehun asked me as he intertwined his fingers with mine.

By the way, my honey is looking damn sexy- Sehun complimented me.

I swear, it's the first time I'm feeling nervous and my cheeks turn into dark shade of red as he said so.

Yah! Sehun~ah, stop being so corny- I teased him again trying not to show my nervousness.

Hey, I forgot my phone in my room. Just give me two minutes- I told Sehun as I hurried to my room.

 Just give me two minutes- I told Sehun as I hurried to my room

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Baekhyun's POV:

I was thinking about Joanna. I can't believe that I love her. I thought she is not my type. But I think opposite attracts.

I jumped on my bed and there I saw, Phone. It's Joanna's phone.
I grabbed it from the bed and got down from my bed. I just hope, she is still at dorm.

Actually I don't want her to go with Sehun, but she seems happy though.
My words must have hurt her a lot. I should apologize to her. I think, we should start afresh- I kept thinking about her.

I was about to leave my room but Sana stopped me. She just fucking crushed her body on mine.

She pressed her lips on mine and started biting my lips vigorously.

Damn, she's a fucking slut.

I pushed her but she didn't care. She pushed me back with force, I stumble and landed on my bed.
She hovered over me and started kissing on my face like there is no tomorrow.

I pushed her again. She didn't budge. She started undressing herself. She threw her tops away as she bit her lips.

Disgusting. This girl is disgusting. She is nothing compare to Joanna.


I heard a very familiar voice calling my name out. I tilted my head just to see a very devastated Joanna. She was crying. My heart ached for her.

Sana was taken off guard and I took the chance. I pushed Sana real hard and she landed on her butt.

Look, Joanna it's not what you are thinking. I can explain. Please, just give me a chance to explain, I said running to her.

There is nothing to explain, Baekhyun- Joanna said crying.

Sana walked to us and looked at Joanna.

Hey, Bitch. Baekhyun is mine. Just leave us alone. Can't you see you disturbed us- Sana said annoyed.

Y-you won't deny it?- Joanna asked in a hurt tone.

I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t speak.

Yeah, I forgot that I don't mean anything to you- Joanna said breaking the silence.

I looked at her surprised. I know where this conversation is leading. I tried her to stop as Sana was there listening to our conversation.

Joanna, let's not talk about it now. Just let me explain, please- I tried to change the topic.

No, Byun Baekhyun. I won't keep mu mouth shut this time. I will say everything that I've been keeping to myself- she continued.

I love you. I have always loved you and I still do. I know you can't love me back. I tried everything I could to make you fall in love with me. Let's just say, luck didn't favour me. You may think I'm selfish, but I did everything just for you. Just for us. I always wanted the best for you- these words coming from her is a big shock for me.

That's it. I've nothing more to say- Joanna said as she snatched her phone from me and walked out from the room. Still crying.

I was devastated. I just lost her. I didn't even get the chance to tell her my feelings for her. I didn't get the chance to confess to her.


Joanna's POV:

S-sehun, w-what are you doing here?- I asked in a cracked tone.

Hey, you're crying?

No, I'm not crying. There is something in my eyes- I said averting my gazes from him.

Yeah. Pain.

W-what?- I asked him in a low tone.

Nothing. Let's go. Spend your rest of the day with me- Sehun said softly as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him.

Yah! Sehun~ah, let's rest for sometime. I'm tired- I said panting.

We came to the lotte world. Sehun just wanted to cheer me up.

Really? Tired already? But we just came here three hours ago- Sehun started acting like a child.

Three hours Sehun? It's fucking three hours- I said but covered my mouth as realization hit me.

I'm sorry Sehun~ah.

I could hear him chuckle.

It's completely fine Cutie. Let's rest for sometime- Sehun said dragging me with him. We went to a corner free from the crowd.

Let's sit here and share our secrets- Sehun said softly, lightly squeezing my hand.

Joanna, you know something? You're the first girl who became my friend- Sehun said smiling.

Really? I'm the lucky one then- I said smiling back. I didn't want him to be sad because of me.

No, I'm the lucky one. I got to know a fun loving girl like you.

Thanks to Baekhyun hyung, who brought you in our life- Sehun said softly as he looked down at the ground.

My eyes rounded as I heard Baekhyun's name.

W-what? What are you saying Sehun?- I asked as I chuckled nervously.

Let's not keep any more secrets, J.
I heard you when you confessed to Baekhyun hyung.

My jaw dropped as I heard him. He heard everything?


It's ok, I understand. Love makes you do everything. Love makes you go insane. Same thing happened to me- Sehun said averting his gazes from me.

Shit. I cursed under my breath as I got the point. I'm his first ever friend who is a girl. He l-likes me?


Sehun hugged me from the side before I could say something.

Joanna, I know what you're thinking- Sehun whispered softly as I flinched a little.

Let's stay like this for sometime- Sehun said in a painful tone. I felt bad for him.

We remained like that. No one was speaking. Only silence surrounded us.

You know what Joanna?- Sehun started sadly.

Love hurts- Sehun said as his grip tightened on me.

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