Chapter 36: I Give Up

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Joanna's POV:

S-sehun. It's getting late. Let's go- I tried to sound as polite as possible. By this time, I've understood one thing. Sehun is in love with me.

I felt so sorry for him that I couldn't return his feelings. I'm really a stupid to fall for Baekhyun so hard even though I know that he doesn't love me back.

How I wish I could make him fall in love with me.

J, why don't you try to forget Baekhyun hyung. Why don't you try to start afresh. You deserve better- Sehun said as he let me free from his grip.

I ignored his question and looked into his eyes.

Sehun~ah. Let's go and have ice cream- I cooed.

Yah! You're such a kiddo- Sehun said ruffling my hair.

Ok, let's go and grab some ice cream.

Sehun's POV:

I told her that she deserves better but she just ignored it. I know she loves Baekhyun hyung a lot and I actually regret it.

Why she didn't come in my life first? Why Baekhyun hyung is her first love? Why it couldn’t be me? It was actually breaking my heart into pieces.

I'm happy for hyung but what can I do about my feelings? Even I love her and I just can't see her sad. I just can't see her crying.

She requested me to have some ice cream. She is such a kiddo.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and pulled her close.

Let's go and grab some ice cream- I cooed trying to be cute.

You're cute anyways. Don't try to act cute, you look ugly- Joanna said sticking her tongue out.

Yah! Is this how you treat your friend?- I said trying to sound hurt. But actually in reality, she is the one who's hurt.

We grabbed our ice cream and started heading towards our dorm.

Third Person's POV:

Lay hyung, where is Joanna? Why isn't she receiving any of my call?- Baekhyun asked Lay in a worried tone.

Why are you asking me? You should ask your Sana- Lay said in a pissed off tone.

Hyung, you're thinking it wrong. I didn't do anything. Sana started everything- Baekhyun tried to defend himself.

Why aren't you picking up my call, bloody hell- Baekhyun threw his phone away.

Lay, I'm back~ Joanna said as she hugged Lay.

Baekhyun pulled her away from Lay.

I'm still here Joanna, why are you ignoring me? Why weren't you receiving any call damn it- Baekhyun yelled at her.

Don't you dare yell at me, Byun Baekhyun. I don't deserve it. Why are you shouting at me? What have I done? Huh?- Joanna countered.

By this time all the Exo members gathered in the dining area. All were looking stunned. Xiumin and Suho went to Lay. Sehun stood beside Kai and Chanyeol.

Joanna, I said I can explain. It's not what you're thinking. Sana started everything. I didn't do anything. Please trust me, Joanna- Baekhyun said softly.

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