Chapter 27 - Ambushed & Death

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Lucy tries to act normally but many people already noticed her acting much more strange. Natsu was Natsu, he can act normal but Lucy can't.

" Lucy dear, " Layla called out as she saw Lucy at the stairs.

" Hm? "

" Can you please come over here? We would like to talk to you. " Jude said as Lucy made her way over to them in the living room.

" What are we going to talk about? " Lucy asked as she sat down.

"'ve been acting strange. " Layla said as she looked at Lucy in the eye.

" seem to be keeping something a secret. Mind telling us what it is? " Jude asked.

Both were waiting patiently as Lucy twiddled her thumbs and looked down at the ground.

" W-Well...*sigh* fine, I'll tell you. " Lucy gave in and sighed.

" When everyone left the graveyard and only me and Natsu was left, I-I saw someone. " Lucy bit the inside of her cheek as she continued.

" That someone is...J-Jackal. " Lucy stuttered out his name.

Her parents eyes widened when they heard his name.

" And...not only that. When me and Natsu went out for a run, we met Levy and Gajeel so we talked for a bit. Then, when we were about to leave me and Natsu saw...J-Jackal. Again. " Lucy continued.

" When I was about to go to sleep...there was a note saying that he was coming for me. " Lucy confessed as she continued to look down.

" J-Jackal?! " her parents asked in disbelief.

They knew all too well what had happened and what trauma Lucy went through because of him.

" Are you sure? Natsu saw him as well?" Layla asked.

" Yes, Natsu asked me since he saw a glimpse of a person with dirty blonde hair and visible wolf ears. " Lucy said quietly.

'Loke!' Jude mind linked Loke and immediately a knock was heard.

" Sir? " Loke put a hand to his heart and slightly bowed, as he waited for his instructions.

" Increase the security around the pack house and territory. Jackal has been sighted. " Jude ordered in his alpha voice.

Loke's eyes widened as he heard this.

" Sir, yes, sir. Anything else, sir? " Loke asked.

" If you see Jackal, inform me immediately, no one is allowed to chase after him alone. " Jude said and with that he dismissed Loke.

" Yes, sir. " Loke left the room and immediately informed the wolves on patrol and got a few more wolves to go on patrol.
It's been three days since Lucy told Natsu and as well as she had told the others.

" No way! That can't be! " Mira said as she stood up abruptly.

Currently, they were all on the rooftop during their break this time.

" So, this Jackal guy pretended to be Natsu and tricked you? " Laxus asked.

" And then he killed one of your pack members? " Gajeel clarified.

Lucy nodded grimly as Natsu comforted her. The other girls looked down as the other boys took in the information.

" I'm going home early today. My mom has a few days left. We're gonna go for a walk in the park as well. " Lucy mumbled.

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