Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ella POV

"Ashes, Ashes where are you, you lazy good for nothing pig" stepmother screamed. Startled I dropped the glass shard I was holding. It may only be a piece of glass but it brought back memories from the past. I hopped up from where I was sitting and walked into the other room to see what my stepmother wanted.

Hopefully, it is a new customer. New customers are always my favorite. Everyone has different tastes as well as different personalities. Every time I make something I alter it each time I make it. I fix everything I create to be better than before. I have made a tutu to a business suit as well as one time a clown costume. Everyone wants something different and special. I love creating things for people, their eyes sparkle and their lips turn into a smile. What they wanted came true.

Forever I have wanted to make my stepmother smile. For all my years of life, I have wanted to make her proud. I want a smile from her. I want too much I know, but it is my dream to create an outfit for the best person in the world. For my stepmother, who has taught me to sew and to pattern so that I could work.

If you have not guessed yet, I am a tailor. I work for my stepmother following her directions carefully so that I may get it right. Stepmother is a famous designer who loves the runway. We have been to many fashion shows, many of which we have held. Stepmother tests my creativity with everything I do, pushing me to my breaking point. This will make me the best.

Stepmother is not very good at sewing and patterning but she can sell anything. When I was young and I kept trying to call her mother and she kept reminding me that I was a step child; I made clothes with not very good sewing but she sold it. She sold something that was not very good.

I am the creative one in the fashion house. One of my challenges was to create a dress that looked like a bush. I did it, it had so many leaves that I lost count. The person that wanted the dress was surprised that I was the one to make it, but she tried it on. It fit for the most part and the woman glowed with happiness and it made me smile. I had made some one's dream come true. That is why I love making clothes. I love seeing people smile because of me. Because of something that I did. That feeling is priceless.

I can create anything within your dreams. I can make that dress in your head a reality. I change stepmother's designs to add a spark that is missing in her pieces. That is my job to add that spark to make the design pop. One-time stepmother almost smiled at me but then it fell. Gravity it seemed had taken that smile and dragged it down, into a frown. Gravity is no one's friend; it takes our dreams so that we may realize reality.

"Ashes where are you?". I guess she thinks that I am lost in my work again. She is so considerate in this way. I love her, and her ways of bringing me to the top. I love my life here; this is where I belong; designing clothes at a place I call home.

I walk in the room. Stepmother is drawing once again stuck in her work. I go there sometimes when I create new things. I can't wait to see what she comes up with. I also can't wait to change it just a bit so that whoever sees it will love it. I hope it is something I can be proud of as well as making Stepmother proud.

Courtney and victory are sitting, on the colorful tuffets that I had finished the other day. All of them have color and pattern that is unique in its own way. The color goes with the cream wall that I painted a while ago when we got a special order done. I don't know what color I would paint them now but, something that does not have much color, to go with all the color that surrounds this place. The outfits need to stand out, not blend in.

Courtney and Victory are twins. Both twins are so different, yet they look so alike. Courtney is a little slow in areas but has a childlike spirit. Victory is very smart and popular, but so cold and distant. They have flaws but nothing that over shines the good in them. That is the way most people are with good and bad mixed together. No one is pure EVIL, but no one is pure good either.

Stepmother drops the notepad on the table next to the chair. She gets up with a groan. Her back has been bothering her for quite a while, the business has been booming lately and it has taken its toll on her. I use to make her herbal tea but that no longer helps. We walk to the front room. There is a man there that holds himself high. He thinks that he is all special and everything, Unfortunately, he seems to be missing something personality wise. "I am a very important person with a very busy life, so I want a new suit and fix this" he throws a bag at me while saying this. I pick up a pencil and draw just a bit so that I don't waste his time. I measure him. I hope to get the measurement just right.

"What color would you like? Blue, black, navy?" I questioned. He responded, "I don't care as long as it is not black". Sometimes black scares people, it reflects them on the inside. I don't truly understand why, but it does. I walk to the cloth room; this is where I feel at home. All sorts of cloth are in here. I keep sketching hoping to come up with the right design. No, no, no this is wrong. I need to get it right. Who am I if I don't get it right? I need to calm down, I sketch random designs to calm me down. I need to breathe; I start the design. I can feel myself going into the drawing the smell of the cloth entwines with my hand creating the perfect thing.

I can see it. I reach for it, I grab it and it goes on the paper. I draw faster and faster I have it and I need to get it down before it leaves me in the dark again. The suit is dark blue and sharp. The sharp edges will go well with his round features. I need to find the cloth. Rolls and rolls surround the room. I dig and I dig. I found it, the perfect cloth to make this suit special. I set the cloth in a homemade mixture. This will make the cloth firmer so the edges can be sharper.

I need to start a new project; I want a new shirt for one of mine is falling apart. All my clothes are made of potato sacks. I can change them so much so that they no longer look like a sack. Stepmother came up with that challenge after I won the green cloth challenge. I dye it blue setting it carefully in the dye hoping for no splash to happen and ruin all the clothes. I want to be the best so people will come to me so they can be happy.

My life is pretty great. I live in a world of fashion and carelessness, in the most beautiful city of Paris. I could never ask for more. I pull the suit cloth out of the solution, the smell is clogging up my nose, it won't make the cloth stink but the smell affects me. I put the suit on the mannequin and use a plastic paint knife to shape it to the back.

The fabric is so reluctant to shape but then it starts bending. I see it start to form and molding to the mold. I put the few pieces I've made and set them down. Now it's back to my other project, well at least for now. I grab the potato sack and sew it just a bit. It is ready, the sleeves billow out, like clouds. I can't wait to wear it tomorrow. Everything is now set. The suit is almost done, the shirt, well perfection, today I am done.

I must seize every moment to make others smile as well as myself. Compared to stepmother's life, mine is a breeze floating in the wind. I can make mistakes and mess up but she can't if only I had a magical wand to make everything easier, but no. I can't wait to show Cassy the new shirt and the suit the I am making. I have to make dinner though so tomorrow would be best. I always make dinner it is one of my chores, but no matter it is fun. So ready or not school, here I Ella Rose Davidson come. 

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