Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Today I had made two friends and met a scary boy about my age, I wish I had not done what I did. I looked crazy today and if that boy lived in that house I would most likely see him again. Maybe if I saw him then, I could explain myself but never mind that. I had to pass the school to get home the school always looked very petrifying when at night. Most the lights were off and it gave a spooky vibe. No one messed with the school at night because about how scary it looked in the dark.

I walked pass the school and walked the two blocks to my house. I saw smoke billowing out of the chimney and guessed that both sisters were home. The sisters like to have coffee and tea so they heat it up and use the fireplace to heat it up.

The house was perfect and symmetrical. There was no chip in the paint, no shingles to be missing. The bushes were perfect and even. Yesterday it cleaned up the tiny spider web in a tiny corner. Everything about this house had to be perfect so I made sure it stayed that way. One time stepmother got mad at me for a tiny scrape in the paint.

The house was almost as wide as the lot so there was a tiny path that only I used to get the back of the house, so I could get to my house. Yes, I own a house. Once mother, I mean stepmother, owned the property she buried the old house and built her new house on top. I still live in the old house. It is a bit of a struggle to get to the old house underneath, but it is my own.

I followed the path walking through the plants. I finally got to the back yard and walked to the shed. I opened the door and climbed down the ladder. There was a tunnel leading to my house. Dad use to live with me before he moved to the new house. Stepmother thought that I needed some independence so she let me live down here. Down here I could decorate this house however I wanted so that is exactly what I did.

I make a bit of money from some tips, so I can buy stuff to decorate this house and some groceries. Stepmother does pay for most of it but if I want something like ice cream I have to pay. I walked into the hallway. It has frills galore on it, it was a phase that the stepsisters went through so I got them and decorated the walls. I collect things from antique stores as well as from the stepsisters.

I drop the bags off in the kitchen. The kitchen is a very interesting place. All the knobs are buttons that I had collected. All the cabinets are white and the walls a lovely shade of turquoise. All the rooms in this house have a different theme going on. It is takeout day so I only have to cook for myself.

I walk into my favorite room, the living room. The walls are covered in portraits. I walk up to the first one and it starts moving he is my friend. "How's my princess today" Patrick the portrait says, he always refuses to call me anything other than princess. Patrick is like a family member to me. He was once a scientist so I go to him in times of need. I say my hello and move on. I walk up to the next painting of Miss Catrina La Fresca Bella Walters, or so she says. She loves anything to do with my drawing, fashion designs or not. She is a free spirit.

All these portraits are special to me. All of them have helped me in one way or another. That is why they are so special to me, even though they don't have to help me, they do. I count all of them, true friends. They could leave paintings for another one and Catrina always left for another portrait in her fashionable hoop skirts and her pastel colors. I use her for inspiration now and then. She changes her outfit everyday mixing her time and well current fashion from around the world. As I went to say hello to her she vanished going to who knows where.

I went to the other wall to say hello to Rose, she is a 12-year-old girl who is very smart. She was a genius in her time so she helps me find deals for fabric and decor and such. I give her a hi and then go back to the kitchen to make myself something to eat. I wonder if any of the pictures talk to people, they never talked to dad when he was here. Supper is simple because it is just a salad.

I love this house. All the rooms decorated by me; so every room is unique. What would happen to this house once I move? Would no one touch it and it would stay the same till someone new gets the house? Will stepmother gut this house and start it anew. It is a very curious thing, the future; never know what is going to happen. 

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