Chapter 38

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Dedicate this too Empress_Cece and Folklorico for following my madness 

 Chapter 38

Ella's POV

Dancing with Maverick was a dream come true. I was in his arms, and I was safe and secure. Although I usually trick myself into feeling happiness, today was not one of those times. I was cheerful, strange as it was. I fit right in his arms. As the song went on, we lost our shields and got closer. I was swaying not to the song, but to the sound of his heartbeat. Maverick looked down at me, and I looked back, and we shared a smile so bright that the sun would be jealous. He smelled like pine trees and after shave. Maverick let go of one of my hands and spun me around. I went around and around as a giggle popped its way out of my mouth, I couldn't hold it back anymore. I giggled and laughed because I could, Maverick laughed will me. This feeling of happiness was not going away,

Until I woke up, that is.

Third Person's POV

She awoke with a sigh. Ella felt rested and happy, but also she wanted to get out of here. Ella tried to get out, but the doorknob had fallen out. Ella sat down to rest. Despite always running she was a weakling, or so she thought. Ella stood up and walked to her bathroom. Almost every surface sparkled like it was made of diamonds.

Ella ignored the dust in the corner and went to fulfill her mission. Grabbing her toothbrush, she left and went back to her front door. Ella tried to fit the back of the toothbrush through the hole but if failed and she silently screamed. Passion was burning in her heart, she was going to the ball.

She soon came up with a new plan, and wow did her light bulb shine. Grabbing a lovely lamp, she tried to break the glass on one of her many windows. Ella refused to give up after it didn't work the first time.

After knives barely scratched the surface. Ella sat down, like a sane person, and waited for her prince charming. He would find her and bring to his palace where they would be happy till all the days run out; NOT. Ella sat like a sane person and thought her way out. She remembered all the things in the room and tried to remember all the exits as well.

Ella soon got up and went to the closet where a trap door was sure to be. There is the savior to Ella's problems and dreams, a small little door. Ella jumped through it and got covered in dust. The light was bad and the dust worse. Ella made a promise to herself. Once she danced with Maverick, her prince charming, she would come down here and clean.

She walked down and down the path hoping for a ligh, but none came, and Ella came to a dead end. She screamed so loud that the world outside could hear, but the only ones to hear were the trees and the squirrels.

Ella sat on her couch. She was filthy and tired. Her costume? Ripped to shreds. As Ella's makeup smeared and her spirit diminished, Ella cried. Who knows when Ella will get out and when she will ever see Maverick, her prince charming.  

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