Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ella POV

I am at the shop

school's is over so time to work on some costumes. I think I will work on Zeke's first because on all the patterning and fabrics I need to find. His costume needs to be different because well he needs to be able to dance in it. We need to see all that power in his legs and arms while being covered. I need to start it soon; this is going to take a while. I walk to my place within the store. I find myself in the cloth room, all the colors swirling above me.

I pull out my color pencils, letting them roll into an unorganized mess. I see the outfit this time he is a shepherd who dreams of more, he wants to be a dancer on a big stage. I draw it out with just a pencil then I can color it later. I can almost see it in my head. the lines are coming together and so are the colors. I see it in my head and feel it in my fingers.

I start back up on Zeke's outfit. I start with the pants/tights. I find the wanted material, after searching in the dust in the back. I finally found it, it was in the back of my sketch room. It was in a caramel color that would allow Zeke to dance at his best, stretching at every move, giving away his talent.

Snip, snip, snip, I cut out the pattern hoping that I get everything's ready, and fitted. I sew by hand so that the stitches are tiny and invisible. I set the pants aside, ready to start his shirt when the bell rings once again.

A tiny little old lady comes in looking around. She seems to be looking for something specific. I ask what she is looking for. She is looking for a hat. So I bring out a few hats. I see how she responds to each one. I see one that she looks at transfixed. I ask if she wants to try it on. It is a bit too big for her head but it complements her, shows her beauty that's on the inside, outside. I ask if she wants me to make her one that fits. She agrees and I see if there is one in her size and I find one thankfully. The woman tries it on and it fits. It is perfect, it not only fits her head but her personality as well.

She pays for it and leaves all aglow. I love that look when people seem purely happy in this mostly depressing world around us that I want to cheer up. She asks who made this design and I say it's me and my stepmother, yet another person surprised by my talent.

I keep forgetting that most people weren't raised like this, always working since I was little. Becoming better at it because you have done it your whole life. Not even having a goal just doing it, because that is what you like to do.

I am ready to leave for the day, today has been pretty slow. I get up from the floor where I was and put the picture in the album along with the other ones. This album was full of Stepmothers and my designs. I look through it for inspiration for that young lady's outfit. I see an old drawing that I had made when I was three. It was perfect I copied it then fixed it up, little by little bit making something new.

I can see it in my mind and on paper my emotions go on page creating this dress that envelops the wearer in hope and happiness. I wish I could create such a thing for everyone. This dress is already glowing; I hope the girl likes it. I get up, I really need to leave, dinner is calling my name. I close the door and head out. Setting the album on the bookcase along with the other ones.

Dinner is a success and not too much food on the floor from my stepsisters. They always want to test my limits and such. I never let myself give in. That is okay I don't mind they just had a stressful day. All is well for now, who knows what tomorrow will hold. I hope it brings a smiling face for my creations. Sleep takes me as I wash the dishes from the sink. Falling into a dream that tucks me in for the night. Dreaming of flying to a castle where a prince takes the hand of his friend, not being afraid of what is ahead on their journey. Of those who wish to bring them apart and destroy them. 


hey I have decided that the first person to guess without guessing all the characters will get to give me a plot to write a short story; so who is the fairy godmother? 

Ella dearestWhere stories live. Discover now