Chapter 39

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Dedicate this too Kit-Kat111500 and call735  for being awesome

Chapter 39

Maverick's POV

Today I am getting ready for the dance; my fingers are shaking in nervous excitement. I am dressed and ready to go, but first I need some tea to calm my nerves. A very manly tea. I see Maizie coming down to her room, so I stop her and ask her to join me for a cup. Maizie looks and me and drags me to her room. I don't like Maizie's room it is a bit too pink. I sit down, and Maizie attacks me with a comb.

Once Maizie is happy torturing my hair she, looks at my clothes and laughs. I look down. What is wrong with what I was wearing? I was only told to dress nicely. That does not give me much direction. Ella told me that Halloween only comes so I could dress up what I wanted for it. Maizie was the one to tell me to dress nicely. So, what does it matter what I wear? I tell Maizie that "Ella wouldn't care what I wore."

Maizie looks at me and laughs. She goes searching in her closet. I don't know what she is looking for, but I have a bad feeling. I try to get up from the pink plush chair, but Maizie gives me a death look. I cautiously sit back down. I don't like that look.

My sister's wrath is one to avoid. Maizie found what she was looking, then suddenly stops. She grabs something from her closet. Out she pulls a tin soldier suit that I wore a few years ago.

I take it and get dressed; I wonder why I am going to wear this. I try it on, and it fits. Last time I wore that was when I was in the play the Nutcracker. I look in a mirror and see a weirdo. Oh well, I did say that it doesn't matter what I wore. Maizie looked at me and squealed. I don't understand girls, but it's okay. I get some tea and sit down. Hopefully, Ella is having a less stressful evening than me.

I drive in my green truck to the dance. Ella was very persistent with meeting at the dance. I got there and looked around I didn't see her, and that made me worry.

Maizie's POV

My brother was just hopeless. I had Ella make the tin soldier suit larger so it would fit my brother. I got in the back of Maverick's truck and waited for him so come out. I would not miss the moment when Ella's and Maverick's eyes meet. Their dance. I can't wait, I will sacrifice getting dirt on me to see this.

Maverick leaves the truck and goes into school. I soon follow afterward. I am jumping up and down so much that I am attracting a lot of attention. I give them my ticket; I have people on the inside.

I set up camp behind a bush and watch Maverick. I also look for Ella, but I don't see her anywhere. I go to the girl's room to see if she is in there. Knowing Ella, she would have already arrived. I go to Maverick completely forgetting that fact that he didn't know I was there. Maverick saw me and started questioning why I was there. "Please" I stated, "I wanted to see you and Ella together." At the mention of Ella Maverick deflated like a balloon.

Maverick and I decided to split up and look. I sent Maverick to Ella's house. I started to ask the people at the dance if they had seen Ella. When I saw Ella's two stepsisters, I frown dawned my face. They may become my sisters in Law soon if I had anything to say about it, but I don't like them. Ella Rose's step sisters are evil.

I go up to them and ask where Ella is. Courtney says she does not know. Victoria smirks, and I know she knows something. I hope whatever it is, is not going to hurt Ella if it does I will lock them up. Maverick I hope you find her soon.

Maverick's POV

I got Ella's house. The lights were out, and not a sound came from it. I went to the door and knocked, no one answered. I tried to open the door at first, but it was locked. I tried to see the backyard, but I could find a path to the back through the bushes. Then I heard a click. The door stayed closed, but I now could open the door. This house is strange. I opened the door and walked through the house looking through all the rooms. A small staircase led to a third floor, and I followed them. At the top led a double door. I opened it slowly. A bark came from the inside. A man stood head titled growling at me. The man looked like Ella with the gray hair and the gray eyes. This must be her father. Around the place stood dresses. Fabrics covered the floor.

I stepped closer the man and asked where Ella was. The man stared at me, his mind reeling. He looked at me his eyes though still gray where now clearer. "Ella?" said the man. "My baby girl?" I nodded to his half statements, half questions. The man stood straight as he did it reminded me more of Ella than ever before.

We walked down. Ella's father still in a daze. He said that there was a girl that lived underground, under the house. The details are still blurry to him. Once outside we saw a path that led to a shed. There was no door knob, but we could hear sobs.

"Ella?" I said with so much hope in my voice that her Father looked at me. I heard a noise and then a sound. "Maverick, is that you?" I responded with a yes. Her father spoke "Ella, my baby girl; she is in there?"

From the other side, I could hear a gasp. The door shook. I had found Ella and her Father she never mentions, but now how do I get her out?

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