Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Maizie's POV

I got out of the car with my brother and Ella. My brother once again saved me from my mother's clutches, though Ella was not half bad, talking her way through things. Ella was an amazing girl and friend. I loved seeing her face light up at everything around her. The world was her oyster, and she wanted to discover it all.

I can't wait for my brother to grow up and ask Ella Rose on a date. He stares at her looking around but his eyes always linger on her. When we were at the play he just seemed to watch Ella as she played completely lost to the outside world. My brother was lost as well, lost in a daydream.

Ella was taking me to dance performance. We were going to watch this guy that I silently hate. He is a player and I don't want him near Ella, although she seems to be able to resist his charms. Maybe they once dated. I don't care what happened this boy Zeke is only capable of loving himself.

We sat down and the lights dimmed just a bit. Out walked Zeke and he posed, then the music started and he was off. All bad thought of him slowly went away as I watch him. He danced, with more grace than any human should have.

I could feel the love he felt for himself at every turn. I wanted him to dance forever. To never stop and dance away. I was drawn in. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw Ella staring at me, she was unaffected by this, that is so strange. Everyone in the audience seemed so drawn in by his dancing. She leaned down next to my ear and said in a whisper " he certainly is in lust in himself", then went back to watching the performance. I wondered what she meant. Then I saw it, his expression showed no love it was lust like he wanted to marry himself if he could. This was strange, now that I heard what Ella said, the love that I saw was now gone. What his expression held was evil, a sinister smile. Devil eyes, any woman would be drawn but not Ella she was special.

I would never forget this performance, for it changed me, I saw evil. I know it sounds weird, but that is how I feel, strange. HOW DID ELLA DO IT? She is so special I need to know, she seemed to come right out of a fairy tale.

As he danced and danced I couldn't help but look to my brother, he only stared at Ella with a concerned face. For my brother sake, I hope that Ella likes my Maverick because he is totally bleeding from falling for her. Now I can only wait and hope for the right outcome. 

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