Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
Maverick's POV

Today is a perfect day. I wake up, and the birds are singing. There is school today, and I'm ecstatic. Not for school, but to see a little girl that is holding my heart, and she doesn't even know it. Ella, what a beautiful name. I get dressed and walk into the kitchen to see Maizie sipping her milk like it's tea. She's hilarious!

I walk up behind Maizie and start to tickle her sides. She almost drops the cup but still holds it as I stop and sit next to her. Our parents are out on a trip to Paris, so it is just the staff and us today. Maizie always makes everyone go home early on these days.

My sister is the best. I look to see that it is time for me to go to school, so I kiss my sister on the cheek grab a piece of toast and head out the door. Maizie already finished school. Lucky her. Maizie is taking college classes online and learning how to play the flute.

I drive to school and start to get my stuff from my locker before I search for Ella. While I try to find her the bell rings, and I get to class dragging my feet as I go. I wanted to find her, but I didn't. The class is boring; we have to give a presentation about what we want to be, I want to be an architect.

I wonder though, what does Ella want to be? She's working for her family dress shop, but she must have dreams for herself. Ella would be good at anything. Everywhere she goes she seems to help. When there was a play, Ella made the costumes and played the piano for it. And then at the dance thing that the stupid boy did, she helped plan it and watched over Maizie like a nanny. There is so much that Ella could do if she wants, so I'll have to wait to see what she wants to be.

Miss. Armstrong, the teacher, stands in front of the class and gets everyone's attention. She calls my name, and I go up front. I go on about how I like building things that work, and how I want to be an architect. If I do become one, then I can come up with plans for building and things, so everything is balanced.

A few people go, and I don't pay attention. Then a name gets called and perk up. The teacher says "Ella Rose will you come up, dear, and give your presentation." All the guys look at her some with lust in their eyes and I want to growl at them for looking at her, she's off limits. I know that sounds possessive, but I want to hold Ella in my arms again.

Ella looks at bit nervous when she walks up. I look at her, and when she glances at me, it seems to calm her down. I fist pump the air in my head. I love that I do that to her. When she hands her paper to the teacher, I see something wrong.

Ella's hands are all wrapped up. I start to freak, but it looks like she still has all fingers, so I calm down a bit. As she clears her throat, I watch her lips like a creep. She says that she loves helping people, and loves being the source of people's happiness. So she still wants to be a designer. She says she likes the way that a single bolt of cloth can make someone's eyes sparkle.
I smile at Ella as she sits down. I got to see her, but now I am worried. What happened to Ella's hands? I go to Ella after class running into her. I catch her as she falls because I crashed into her.

I ask her about her hand, and she just turns her head so I can't see. I what so much to grab her face and kiss it telling her that everything is going to be okay. I don't know what happened. I pull off the bandages and moment of deja vu come to me. Spots of blood cover her fingers. I take her to the nurse this time without carrying her. The nurse puts white cream on Ella's hands. I ask again what happened. Ella first looks at our entwined hands then at my face. Her face turning red.

Ella told me she accidentally stabbed herself a bunch of times sewing costumes. I breathe a sigh of relief. Her family isn't still hurting her. I don't want to bring that up; I realized why it wasn't mentioned in court. Ella would go into the foster system and get hurt much worse than if she stays at home. I want to drag Ella to my house and make her stay there forever but I can't. Ella might hate me if I do, and I can't do that to her.

I walk Ella to her next class and then go to mine. By the blush on her cheeks, I think she likes me, but I can't think too far into it. I try to focus on school and not on the wonderful and kind person named Ella.

Ella dearestWhere stories live. Discover now