Chapter 27

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Are these chapter not awesome Ryn-Koala keeps fixing these sad chapter, I won't post tomorrow because I will be without internet, so a day early here it is.   

Chapter 27

Ella's POV

I still needed to get over this. Everyone would be angry at me if I didn't get to school. I really needed Cassy, she always knows how to help me. I start to get dressed, although it takes longer because I'm still getting used to the idea of not having toes. The bandages covered up almost all of the damage. I don't even know if my stepmother knows about this, but I can't let her worry, I'm going to be fine.

I tried to stand up but I quickly lost my balance. I can do this, I tell myself. I try again and slip on my shoes. When I went into the kitchen I find that my lunch is already made and that everything is clean. A pair of crutches were sitting in the corner. I hoped that they would help with moving. I wonder who did this, who would do this, but I can't focus on that right now.

Getting up the ladder was difficult, but not impossible. Moving at a snail's pace, I made my way out. The bus pulled up soon after I got to the stop, and I sat in one of the front seats. People get hurt all the time, so hopefully, not a lot of people will ask about my feet.

The bus was as noisy as ever, and it was making me feel grumpy. I grunted in pain and focused on getting to school. Everyone got off before me, not wanting to get stuck behind me I guess. The crutches got in the way as I was getting down the step, causing me to trip. As I land face first I have a strange thought, why did my feet not hurt as bad as they should?

I must have a fairy godmother or something looking out for me, just kidding! There is no such thing, as fairies. Although... I wish, if I did have one, that maybe she could answer my dream of having a loving family. I walked quickly to my locker, trying not to be late for my first class of the day. I saw Cassy and waved over at her. She marched up to me and asked me about what had happened yesterday. I remember that can't hide anything from her. I told her what happened, in a whisper.

I covered my ears as she yelled, "They did what?"

I hid behind my hands, as she continued to rant at me. She was angrier than I had ever seen her. I got scared, but not for myself. When Cassy gets mad she gets mad and no one, not even my step sisters, can escape her wrath.

Everyone suddenly turns to us and I try to hide, to curl into a ball. It doesn't work at all. This frustrates me to no end. Why did Cassy have to yell about it? now everyone will think I'm even stranger...

I see Maverick a little ways down the hall and I feel flustered. Now that I'm weirder than before, he will never want me (that was a weird thought). I try my hardest to stand up when I realized that I am seated on the floor, but I just couldn't. I was stuck, then I began to cry, I can't help it. Today is not going according to plan.

I feel strong arms surround me and lift me up. I just slumped against the person, not caring who it was. I just wanted some comfort. The deep chuckle I heard finally pulled me down from cloud nine and back into the arms of the person who I was slumped up against. It was Maverick! Why was he here, he was further away I thought. Oh yeah, he went here too, I wonder how I never noticed before.

I tried to support my own weight but failed again. I almost fell back onto the floor and I would have, had it not been for the arms surrounding me. My shoe fell off and everyone could see the bandages and the slight blood covering them.

To my great surprise, Maverick sat down and pulled me into his lap. He picked up my foot and slowly started to unravel the wrappings on what was left of my foot. I tried to push him away but it didn't work, so now out in the open was one of my feet with no toes, it was just ugly. Maverick stood up me in his arms of awesomeness and carried me to the nurse's office, missing toes and all.

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