Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"You are invited as well as your family, provided that they are well dressed for this occasion," Maizie says out of the blue. I smile at her. I have only known her for a little while, yet we already have a connection. I feel that despite everything that was a little weird that happened today, I had a bit of fun. I start to pack up everything and get ready to head out, I have everything I need.

Then the door opens and in comes two very interesting people. They have it all or so believe they do. I stand up to greet the parents of Maizie. "Mama, mama this is Ella, Ella Rose the designer" Maizie says as she goes to fling herself upon her mother. She stops and gets a hug then flings herself on her father almost tackling him to the ground. "Maizie" her mother exclaims in a way too high pitch. I nod my head and start to pack once again. "So Ella Rose dearest, you are this amazing designer that Derik has brought in" she only paused for a moment before beginning again. "You are an interesting creature but I think it is best that we find an actual professional to do something this important in well Maizie dearest life so we not be seeing you again, goodbye". Maizie looks at her mother from her father's arms shooting daggers at her mother through her eyes.

I am a bit stunned, but I will have this. This job is one I want so I will not back down. Maizie is my client not her so I will not follow what she says. I stand up showing my full height and talk it my best voice, I only use on small children and some rich people that I will not say bad stuff about. "Mrs. Ricas, I am here to do what has been asked of me, it would not be polite to judge me and my designs before actually meeting me and my designs. we could talk about my designs for your daughter over tea if you would like. I believe I have a design your daughter likes and I would love if you would like it too, so would you give me the honor of meeting my designs. if you do not like them I shall leave and I will not say anything bad about it this whole situation. I aim to please so before you judge me please consider this before anything else". I take a moment I don't want to ramble more that necessary.

She looks at me stunned into silence and her husband smiling, I guess that does not happen much. He invites me to tea too well look over those designs I mentioned. I pull them out of my bag and follow the family into another room. The theme in here is well Russian ballet I believe, with the white and gold and red that adorn the room.

I ask what this room is inspired by and well I am right. "I am Charles and this is my wife Tailor, the one who you have stunned into silence," Mazie father says. Derik comes in with tea and some cookies that have to be freshly baked because the smell is making me want to draw. Maizie looks at the cookies with a delighted look on her face as she exclaims "Derik I am the luckiest girl in the world to have your cookies", and with that, she shoved one in her mouth and moaned.

They were good real good, Derik the huge butler made really good cookies. "So how about those designs" Tailor squeaked. I showed her the design that Maizie and I fell in love with. She stood astonished at it for well it was just perfect. I knew that would reflect Maizie perfectly. Maizie was well hyper indeed but she had a calm about her that made people relax when being around her; so when I tweaked it a bit when meeting her to make it fit better not just in the fit but in her personality better than before.

One time my stepmother said that was my talent to understand how to make things fit even without all the pieces. She was feeling very ill that day but I suspect it to be true. I always felt when things were right and when they were slightly off, it does not just pertain to designing but cooking and such as well. I truly don't understand it but one must not take things for granted.

Then I heard a bark and saw a dog enter the room. It was as fluffy as fluffy comes. The dog is pomeranian. The dog saw me and jumped on my lap and laid down. Maizie looked like she was in complete shock. "My dog, Jessie usually hates people but she just loves you it is a bit odd".

Now I thought this was odd, for the dog to be named Jessie. Tailor was one to name her child something worth her states. That is the way that she thinks so to do something like this is out of order and a bit strange. I am guessing that Maizie named the dog not her mother. That is the guess that I can make for it to be less odd. Oh well.

Honestly, I like this family a lot. They are a bit strange but they fit together like well-carved puzzle box. I wish I could hang out with Maizie despite our age differences. She is calming and that would be good in my tornado of a life. I can't wait to make her dress for this party that seems to have gotten her so excited.

I finished my tea and got ready to head out. I went back to Maizie's room to grab my bags, when I had them I closed her door and started what I thought was the way to the entrance. All the halls looked the same. I got lost. I started to head back before I get even more lost. When I turned a corner I heard a sound, so I followed it not like I had any better ideas.

The sounds were coming from a guitar. The sound was getting louder and louder as I walked. I came to a cracked door where the sound was coming from. I opened it expecting well the sound to be coming from a CD player, but it was a boy who was fully immersed in what he was doing. The sound was so heartbreaking I started to tear up. The sadness of it was that the player that was making it sad not the song. The song stopped and I snapped out of my trance.

The boy was staring at me with a confused expression. I opened my mouth to speak but the boy beat me to it. "What in the world is a girl doing in my house, in my room". I got so frightened that I turned and ran. I know I should not have done that but, the boy he was scary. As I ran his voice rang in my head. I made it to the front room and Derik was waiting for me. I got in the limo and daydreamed about him and not in a good way. I imagined him strangling me. Good thoughts, good thoughts. I would have none of that, no bad thoughts. I made it back to the shop and dropped the bags off then headed home, ready for this day to be over.  

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