Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Maverick's POV

"Child look at me, no one will laugh at you. If they do they will be asked to leave, don't worry my little bug" I say with my softest voice. I can't have her worry. She is my little sister. My only sister.

I don't want her to worry about people laughing at her. No one shall bully my sister or Ella. Where did that come from? I don't know Ella, really why would I want to protect her. Questions I should not focus on.

"Come on, let us go back, I'll dance with you. So no boys will step on your little feet" I say. Maizie looks at me with tears in her eyes. I wiped them away with my handkerchief. I will always protect her, she is my little sister.

Some people say that I love Maizie a bit too much, but there are bad things out there that I don't want her to experience. Maybe I am a bit too clingy. My brother hates both of us so it usually is just us.

Maybe Ella could be like a sister to Maizie, and then she could have sleepovers and movie nights and go shopping; things I can't really do with her. Then again Ella didn't even want to show up to this party.


I can see both Maverick and Ella thinking and acting weird. Then something popped in my head. Ella and Maverick sitting in a tree K-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes love then comes marriage. After that, a child named after me and I will be an aunt and spoil the child rotten.

I know not the actual rhyme but me, an aunt. Oh, that child is going to be spoiled. I will love that child. Wait. I need to get them to fall in love. I can't think too ahead. Ok, I need to think of a plan. What to do, what to do? I can't force things, on them. I need to go slow in my planning. Wait. A genius idea coming to mind, we are at a dance. My brother will do almost anything to make me feel better. Ella loves me almost as much Maverick.

Now to put this plan into motion. I feel like an evil genius. Muahahaha, I am awesome and no one will stop me. Ella this is my way to say thank you for the dress and fixing it. I walked out with them back to dance floor. I saw three women who I knew were related to Ella because of their dresses they just have to be Ella's creations.

I asked Ella and Maverick to give me some punch and I will see them in a second. I went up to the ladies. I asked them if they knew Ella and their response shocked me. "Oh you mean Ashes, yeah she is our stepsister," one of them said. I got so mad that I had to leave. They call Ella, Ashes, why would they do that. She has lovely gray hair, I wonder why she dyes gray if she gets teased by her own family about it.

I go to Ella Rose and ask her about it. "Ella why do you dye your hair if your family teases you about it, and Ashes really, that is a horrible name, arg," I say as fast as I can so she can't interrupt me. She responds to me with a smile "Maizie dear, it is my natural hair color and I wouldn't have it any other way, and for a matter of fact anyone can have their own opinion"

How can she smile like that, she is going on a date with my brother, end of question. "Ella, Maverick," I say and they both look at me "I want you to dance with each other, one dance," I say with a matter of fact tone. They stare at me. I plead with my eyes at my brother. Maverick got up and offered his hand to Ella Rose. She looked at him and said.... 

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