Chapter 41

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Dedicate this to FictionalFog for motivating me forward

This chapter is a bit crazy with a bunch of POVs

Chapter 41

Maverick's POV

Once I got Ella in my arms, I refused to let go. Ella despite being covered in filth still looked as beautiful and ever. Her father's intense glare softened, and we left. Ella wanted to stay with him, and I had so many questions to ask, but I dared not. I would not push Ella to go, but I would not leave.

I stared in Ella's eyes, squeezed her hand, and breathed. It calmed Ella down. Once the dance started, I was nervous. The last time we danced was so long ago. The music swirled around us like a flame. Swirling faster and faster I felt joyous, and it was amazing.

My sister was right. Though her antics are a bit crazy, she was right. Forcing us the dance, handcuffing us. Maizie could see that we were meant to be, just like a prince and his princess.

Maizie's POV

I was so overjoyed that Ella and Maverick had found each other. Ella's sisters were behind locking Ella up so I made sure that they would miss the dance. Let us just say something came up. Ella held onto Maverick like her life depended on it. They danced, their bodies finding comfort in each other.

A Cheshire smile escaped my face. They are so cute together! I know that I may have acted a bit crazy in pushing them together. IT WAS WORTH IT. I love Ella like a sister, and now she will become one.

They continue to dance, melting together like butter. Maverick spun Ella over and over. They spun like rainfall, crazy and uncontrollable. The song ended, but they continued dancing to their own rhythm.

A boy looked at me and picked me up. I squealed, but the boy did nothing. He spun me around and around. I held on wondering why he did this. They boy looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Ever since Ella pointed out Zeke, I have been able to decipher and notice how the eyes read. This boy's eyes held happiness and sadness.

"Why did you spin me around?" I had to ask. The boy only laughed. It was a genuinely good laugh. Then he responds with an answer that I never expected him to say. "You watch those two who are so in love like you wish it for your own. So I spun you so you could see you can find happiness yourself".

I never thought about why I was so infatuated in Ella's and Maverick's relationship. This boy figured it out for me. I sat down, this new knowledge weighing on me. The boy sat there with me and hugged me close. Maybe I could find my happily ever after, after all.

Cassy's POV

I hate my life. My new boyfriend keeps nagging me. I want him to love me, but all he does is ignore me. I dragged him to the dance. He now has flirted with 17 girls. I wrap my hand around his shoulders as we dance and he looks at the girls with lust in his eyes.

Dating Zeke, that lying bag of worms, was my biggest mistake. I mean, date me to get close to my friend; low move dude, low. Zeke made me learn about lust. It was amazing; my mistakes lead to being able to read people.

Matt, my boyfriend, slaps my butt and I have had enough. I yanked away from him. He continues to get closer. I slap him, not caring if it causes a scene. I have had enough of stupid boyfriends.

I storm away and get a drink. I don't care anymore. I think I won't have another boyfriend in a while. For the first time, I stood up for myself, and it felt good. I think I am on the road to my happiness.

Zeke's POV

I will have Ella. I stared at the happy couple and steam came out my ears. Ella is okay looking enough, so I will have her. She could stand next to me for a change. A new personality, some contacts to make her gray eyes blue, waxing, jewelry and a new wardrobe. Okay, so a lot of change to make her ok.

I grabbed Ella from Maverick. Everyone stared, but I was already over the edge. Ella pulled her arm out of my hand. Maverick stood in front of her, protecting her. I let out a laugh. Ella is mine. Don't people understand; she is mine.

Police officers hold me as I try to reach for Ella once again. I end up yelling at Ella; I tell her how ugly and horrendous she is. She was never good enough for me.

The police officers drag me to their car. I stop resisting; I don't want to end up scratching my face. I end up in a cell, why am I here. Ella should be the one in here. She is a fashion crime.

I look in a mirror and see someone who is worth seeing. I decide that no one is good enough. My dad lets me out, and I leave, mirror in hand. It is time to be with someone who loves my looks, me. This is happiness.

Ella's POV

I love Maverick. He is sweet and caring. Maverick protected me from Zeke. I hope never to see him again. I hug Maverick. We decide to leave. I have had enough today. I don't want to go home so Maverick suggested we go to his place. I followed him to his house.

We went in his room. I didn't want to sit down in my dirty dress, but I was too nervous to ask for clothes. Maverick left me and went into the bathroom. A shower started, and it made me even more nervous. Maverick came out and told me I could go in.

I just stood there. Maverick palmed his face. He dug in his dresser and handed me some clothes. I got in the bathroom. A smell wafted around the room. It smelled like Maverick. I used his shampoo and body wash. I soon smelled like Maverick and never said it was a bad thing. I got in his clothes. They were very baggy but comfy.

Maverick looked at me as I came out drying my hair with a towel. I sat down on the bed, and I felt home.  

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