Chapter 13

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I kept dancing my dress flowing around me. Ella is a true genius to have created this. I have been asked to dance so many times that I no longer feel the pinch of my shoes. My dress stands out in the black decor. I feel light as air, and my dress spins around me. I laugh in delight. This is fun. My brother is the best dancer out of all of them. I claim him for as many dances as possible, most of the boys keep stepping on my feet.

I start to get dizzy so I sat down, and my brother stopped dancing and went to me, he is the nice brother. I just lay on his shoulder and he laughs. I think that he is handsome, I wonder if he knows Ella Rose. The next thing I know is that there is a cup of punch in my hand and my brother has disappeared. Oh well. I drink it and step back on the dance floor only to be swept up by one of the grownups at this party.

Then I fall backward because I lost my balance and hear a rip. I look down and see that my dress has ripped all the way up to mid-thigh. My brother comes once again to my rescue and throws his jacket over my legs, and picks me up bridal style. I am so tiny in his leg.

I am now in my room, my brother asked me what I wanted to do. I asked if he could call Ella. He found my phone and called her. My brother had a look of shock when he heard her voice. She was coming over as fast as she could. Fifteen minutes later with my brother now laughing at me, Ella comes in and sees my dress.

I could hear her laugh and then pull out a needle and thread. I watch her as she sews the dress back together making it look brand new. Ella is so awesome. I wonder if she has a boyfriend, I bet she does.

Ella looks really good in her dress though it definitely is not for this party. I thank her and she smiles. Her smile is so cute. Maybe she could break up with her boyfriend and date my brother they could be so cute together.

Maybe I need to stop imagining things and just hope they end together. I don't want to see Ella cry. If y brother breaks her heart I will smash him into tiny itty bitty pieces.

Then Ella turns around and looks at my brother. I see that he stares at her. It has been like, a minute now and they just keep staring at each other. Maybe it is not too far fetched to say they would be cute together.  

Ella dearestWhere stories live. Discover now