Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Today I need to make dresses for my step sisters, this is a very important party for them so new dresses are needed. I know their measurements from heart, but I still need to measure Courtney because she has gotten a bit fatter this month; she loses and gains weight really easy.

I go on the hunt to find her, she is not in the kitchen, so I head up to her room where she is playing with her new kitten. I ask to measure her then head back downstairs to start making her dress. I take my bag and head to the park. I like sitting in the park it has a calming effect and I come up with a bunch of ideas for designs here. I sit down to sketch. A scream rings out and I look up, a girl had fallen when she missing the hanging bar. She starts bawling holding her knees close to her chest. Her mother looks up at her daughter and starts to have a panic attack. I get up and walk toward the girl.

She will be a beautiful woman when she grows up, I can just tell. I pick her up holding her close to my chest and walk her to a bench near her mother. I put a hand on the mother's shoulder to calm her down. She does and looks at her daughter and rushes toward her daughter like her life depended on it. I grab my water and have the girl grasp her mother's hand while I pour water over the cut, it is going to sting.

I clean the girl's knee as best as I can then put a fun band-aid on her. The girl looks at with tears in her eyes and she smiles. The mom thanks me and takes her daughter's hand and starts walking to their car. I wave goodbye and sit down once again. I hope the girl's knee heals fast.

I saw a dress and I sat down on the ground and drew. Layers and layers covered the dress created an ombre effect, at the slight breeze it would move making a great effect. I look around hoping to get another idea one to fit the other stepsister. Nothing came to mind so I gave up and walked home.

I went in search of the fabric to bring that dress to life. I was searching all over and I saw it from the corner of my eye. I saw the purple fabric. It was sheer and delicate like lace. I went to it. It had a shine to it and I knew that this was the cloth meant for the dress.

I put it in a bag with the other stuff from the day before and went to my room. I passed the fabric room again and just peeked in. That room had to be one of my favorite designs ever. It had fabric but it was decorated in black and white photos. Making the fabric stand out. I always found good pictures in the magazines that my family threw away.

I went to my room. It was yellow my favorite color of the day. It was like a garden had overtaken my room. Ivy covered the wall as well as paper butterflies and flowers that I had made. The carpet was a light shade of brown and so was the bed post. The only thing that was white was my bed spread. I tried to make my room an enchanted garden.

I sat down in an old armchair and tried to draw, I needed an idea and fast. The date was coming up soon and I had the play to still work on.

Ring, Ring.

My phone rang and I answered it. "Ashes get in here now, I'm hungry" Courtney yelled then hung up. I got up leaving my sketchbook behind. I climbed up the ladder and walked in the back door. Courtney was nowhere in sight. Then she came into view with a robe on and curlers in her hair. "What would you like to eat, Courtney," I asked. She said a sandwich and then went into extravagant detail about this sandwich she was craving. I started to make her ham and cheese sandwich. I put it on the griddle pan so it would get those grill marks that my step sister liked.

I heard a noise and looked up.Courtney was looking for something to eat. I shouldn't have looked up because I accidentally touched the pan and I got hurt. I slid the sandwich to where Courtney was sitting then stuck my hand under the faucet. Courtney ate like she was starving when she only ate an hour ago. With my hand under the water, I had an epiphany from the water.

I grabbed a sketchbook and started to draw. As I drew my hand started to hurt from the burn but I could not lose this idea, I needed to start sewing soon. I washed the plate and the soap was not helping the burn. I went back to my house where I could grab an ice pack and find Victoria's dress fabric. I found it, it was heavy so it would work with what I had in mind.

So finger throbbing and all I started to cut the pattern. Snip her and a snip there creating the perfect shape. My finger is starting to sting so bad that I have to put the scissors down. I will have to finish cutting them tomorrow. I say goodnight to my portrait friends and go to sleep hoping for a better day tomorrow.   

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