Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ella POV

I awoke, earlier than I usually do, so I made pancakes. I have always loved the smell of them. I got out everything and started to mix humming my favorite tune. Once they hit the pan I could smell them. The smell pulled at me to draw but I need to make sure they cooked. I set all the pancakes on a plate still wanting to draw. My fingers itched to pick up a pencil so I did. I pulled out one of my sketch pads and drew. I could feel the feelings leave my hand for the drawing. I drew and I drew. In the end, I saw the dress. The dress that I had created, all because of pancakes. I never understood why smells affected me so. Smell have always changed my creations into something different.

School is today so I get to see Cassy. Cassy has always been my friend ever since kindergarten. We were always there for each other; teasing each other to eternity about everything. I got dressed in my new shirt and my favorite skirt and I was off. I waited for the bus still eating my pancake. The twins would be up soon and would drive to school.

I love the twins so, I don't want to ruin their popular image that they hold, so I ride the bus. The bus always puts me in a bad mood, the smell is just gross. Every time I draw something on the bus, it is sharp and funky in a way. Good smells always make my drawing lighter and softer. The bus stops with a jerk and the doors open. I wait for everyone to get off. My class is close by so no need to push and shove.

When I get there I walk to the auditorium, Cassy should be there. I walk in the light snow. I will go away soon. I walk in there and a rush of hot air reaches me. I can hear her acting. I see her, she is completely being true to herself, when she is on that stage. Her boyfriend is there too, acting out the Little House on the Prairie. Cassy is glowing as she floats around the stage. Zeke her boyfriend sees me and stops. Cassy continues on completely unaware of what is going on. Cassy stops and looks at me for a second with a blank stare then returns back to normal. They bow and I clap at their performance.

"Well Ella Rose, Dearest friend do you have any news for us lonely plain folk" Cassy says in a southern accent. Cassy claims that news and gossip are completely different, at lease in her case. I start telling her about the suit, I am working on. She rolls her eyes saying "only you can get this excited about a black suit" I want to tell her it is not black but a dark blue, but that just prove her right. Oh well, I want to be a designer so I have to get excited about it. I hope to become a great designer just like my stepmother. She gets this look when she is making something, like being completely at peace; a sleeping angel.

Cassy wants to be an actor, one who owns the stage. The final play is coming up and that will be her last play ever before she leaves. The title of the play is The Final Play. Everyone in all the class from freshman to senior all gets a part. I always join in. I don't act but rather a musical accompaniment. I wish I could act, be free on stage, but with all that space I lose myself. I lose myself in a crowd and when I have to talk, especially in front of strangers.

Cassy is excited to be an actor, she will become one I know it. I can feel it from the bottom of my heart, that this is her path. Cassy always plays on of the most important roles in all the plays. Victory plays the villain because of her natural coldness. Courtney loves to act, she plays bushes and trees that talk. I play, of course, part of the background music. I have gotten so many compliments about my playing but it's not what I want to do with my life. My passion is to design and to make people smile with those designs.

Stepmother once not allow me to play the piano for the plays, but she got asked by the stepsisters for it so she said yes. The play would not be such a hit as the drama teacher said. No one from my school can play the piano so fast and want to do it. It nice of stepmother to let me spend some time to do something else. She is so kind, even though she rarely smiles for as long as I have known her. My first memory was of her; she was yelling about something that I can't begin to understand. Now that I think about it stepmother is always yelling about something.

We set up rehearsals, Cassy is giving it her all so I should too. I play my piece mostly to make sure their voices carry over the music. Cassy is getting into the sad parts and is still glowing, amazing. It is now Zeke's part. He holds himself to the highest standards and loves himself with a passion. He starts his dance and the love for himself shows in every step. Maybe one day he will love Cassy more than himself. They are dating, it is a wired relationship, where both sides love themselves more than the other person. Zeke's dance is almost over and he looks to be floating on air; wrapping himself in his self-love, self-lust.

I can feel the pure lust he gives out. I wonder if lust really is pure. No one should love themselves that much. No one, never mind. I guess one must love themselves to continue on living. Maybe that is what today's love is, a love based on lust and wanting. Wanting to love and to be loved, no, more like wanting to want someone and wanting that person to want you. To fit it. That is what people now believe love is. It is no longer innocent and pure as written the fairytale book set in older times.

School is going. All my classes are easy because I actually put in an effort. I don't truly understand why people act so lazy. I need to be more normal, then I could understand. If I was more normal, then I wouldn't be me anymore. Class seems to go on forever. I am ready to go to the shop for today. I start skipping past the school grounds when someone waves me down. I head toward the waving person to see Cassy. She runs into me and knocks me down. Cassy squeals and tells me what is going on. Zeke told her that he loved her. She is a firecracker, glowing so bright. I hope the guy who wants the suit will look like that once I get it finished. The sad thing is if some random stranger complimented her she would have been glowing more than she is now. She loves to be loved.

Cassy tells me that the drama teacher wants to talk to me. I walk to the classroom; it takes a while because it is all the across campus. I get there, I don't understand why she would want to see me. Mrs. Rule is the best drama teacher ever. She let me be in the class but not act. I just do music in there. She looks sad so I ask "what's wrong, and do not say fine, I know you're not fine". She looks at me with puppy eyes and spills about what has got her down. Her student designer is sick and can't finish all the costumes. She was hoping that I could do it but didn't want to put any strain on me with having to get all the piano pieces right. I take her hand and tell her I will do it. Inside I am screaming. Me, get to do some of the costumes for the final play. I am so happy. Mrs. Rule is jumping up and down like a little kid. She gives me a budget for the fabric and what costumes to make. I get to make Cassy's costume so excited and Zeke's, so yay.

First, before the costumes, I need to finish the suit and make sure it fits like a good glove. I can't wait to see what it looks on him. I get to the shop and get the suit out, one thing at a time. I finish it and set it on the mannequin, I need to call him to make sure it fits. I go to the front room ready to pick up the phone when the bell rings. The man walks in. "What day will my suit be done, I want it done quickly, you never told me when to pick it up," he says this really fast. I ask him if he will try it on to make sure it fits, he nods.

I grab the suit and hand it to him. He leaves to change. Once he comes out a look of surprise dawns his face. It fits, I am so glad, I made someone new happy. I ask to take a closer look; he looks as if he want to ask why but instead just nods. I grab my pins and a step closer examining every inch of the suit. I pin things here and there, my smile fading, it does not fit that well after all. He leaves to take the suit off. When he comes back and hands me the suit I ask him to sit down. "I need to change a few things if you don't mind waiting for a minute I will be right back because the coat tails are too long, the pants, need to be shortened as well.". "Um, sure it already fits, you can change it if you want, though" he responds. I leave to the back room and sew really fast. All my stitches are perfect and tiny even when sewing fast, habit. Everything should really fit now. I hand it back to him, and he changes once again.

Once he walks out, his face is struck with awe. It looks like he talked to god himself. Everything has a complete fit and he looks good. He asks if I really made this. I tell him I did. He pays for the suit and leaves. This is perfect. Since no one is around I jump up and down, just like a little kid. Stepmother comes in and sees me. I guess she guessed what happened. I show her the picture I had taken, of the suit. She looked proud, I could see it in her eyes.

I use to call her mom. She always reminded me that I was only a step child, not her daughter. I wish I could have her as my real mom. I can't remember what mom looked like. Stepmother only filled half of that void that was in my heart. It would fill if only she would claim me. I have her though so I can't be unhappy. My dad would always be my dad, there is not a gap to fill with him. I love my dad the way he is. My dream to run this shop because I call it home. I love this shop so.
Who is the fairy godmother? Can you guess

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