Harley x joker. yes he hits her. yes he's mean to her but I truly feel as if he really does love her because.... Well he doesn't spend so much time break out someone he wants to get rid of.. but no one died or breaks up. its annoying reading some wh...
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We walked in a group. Amanda came out threatening us. I kept walking cause... Well I'm free. The chip was removed before I got caught again.
"Well you already put my ass through hell. My puddin dead cause of you. I'm leavin before i beat you"I spat getting in her face. She had her head up. I stepped away walking. She started talking. I covers my ears. Barley hearing anything. Everyone was looking behind me shocked. I heard a faint laugh. I gasped looking back at my baby with his face burn a bit.
"Puddin"I giggled running to him excited.
"Joker!"Amanda yelled. "We will shoot Harley right now. "She put a gun to my head. I huffed throwing my bat over my shoulder. I knew he would just run. Or not. instead. I knew how to fix this. I grabbed her gun throwing It to the side.
"we got a better game"He put a gun in my hand. We have talk about this. I put it to his throat.
"Go ahead baby"he smiled. I pulled the trigger. No bullet came out everyone sighed. I put it to my head. Everyone looked scared now. Joker smirk.
"Do it. Do it do it do it do it"he whispered in my ear. I pulled it. And laughed when nothing came out. I pointed it to her head.
"See ya there"I whispered pulling the trigger. She fell back as a bullet got stuck to her skull. I laughed as joker picked me up.
"Have fun being free. I got my puddin to disconnect all of your bombs"I smiled hugging him tight. He smirked as a helicopter landed ready for take off. Everyone looked at me shocked.
"What. I told you all that he loves me but nooo. You just wanna look at the marks"I spat at the guard. We got inside the helicopter. He let me down wrapping his arm around me. I hugged him kissing him. He moaned inside my mouth making the kiss deeper. "I misses ya. I didnt think you were gonna come for me anymore after a week ago. "I smiled. "I'll always come back for you darling"he promised.