Joker and harley were stuck with the suicide squad and they were done with there mission and now were putting request. "Wallers, you never wanted harley. You got me so let her go"joker said, Harley's head shot to his. "What?"Harley asked. "What make you think that that's a good idea. She'll come to break you out"wallers implied. "She cant,she could try anything but none of my men will listen to her. They only listen to me"joker informed her. "All she has to do is tell them that your in jail"wallers shot back. "Nothing goes unless they have my approve. Which won't be able to happen cause I have nothing for them to contact me with"he said taking out his phone throwing it on the floor shooting it. "Puddin, what are you doing?"she asked shocked. "Harley your a sweet girl , you deserve to live a normal life. You know where our safe is, get the money and leave"joker told her. "Why are you doing this?"she asked with tears. "Cause, sweetheart, daddy loves you and wants the best"he told her grabbed her jaw. "Your bombs disabled so now leave"he told her. "If you loved me you wouldn't do this"she pouted "flag get her out of here"wallers said. "No. What. Wallers please"harley pouted. "I'll cooperate and join anytime you want just let him go"she added but Amanda ignored her. Flagged cuffed her leading her out on the street taking her to jokers club putting her in her glass box. "Flag please. I love him"she begged. "You know how it is to love someone you can't have please flag"harley begged crying. He cuffed her to a pole. "Do what's best for you harley"he whispered going to doctor moone. "Flag!"she yelled crying sliding down the pool. The couple walked away. "Flag,can't you help her"moone said as soon as they got out. "If waller dies then yeah. I actually can. But I can't"he said. "Come on, the witch showed me them. He loves her. There gonna get married. can't you just disable his bomb forever and tell her the location. She'd do it for you"she tried. "I'll see what I can do"he sighed. She smiled hugging him.
Joker got to the asylum. He didn't even get to kiss her bye. He had to share a cell with deadshot. "So what, you and Harley had something"joker asking continuing his push ups. "Nahh before we both got locked up she helped my daughter with something"deadahot answered laying back. "Like what stilling a lollipop"he chuckled. "They robbed a candy store together"deadshot chuckled. Joked sat down looking at him. "Your fucking kidding me"joker asked with a slight smiled. "Nope" deadshot laughed. He watched as joker threw his head back laughing. "She's insane"joker shook his head smiling down at the picture of her that he kept in his pocket . he took it everywhere. She was laughing at his joke holding her stomach with a goofy face. "You really love her huh"deadshot asked. "I mean I'm not the kind of guy to admit it but since were both gonna be in here for the rest of our life's I might as well open up to someone besides harley"he chuckled. "Yeah,I actually do. I've been married and shit but I've never felt the way I feel with harley. I've even tried to cheat on her so I could just forget her for a second but I can't even talk to a girl without getting mad at myself. So far the only far thing I've got was a hi then felt bad so I kill her"joker admit in a not So creepy voice.
Harley finally got her phone she called the only guard that would help, yup you guessed it . frost. He came soon only to unlock the things. "He's locked up. He did it for me"she said. "I need everyone to respect me so I can order them around"she said rushed. "Well no offence doctor but everyone thinks your weak because you've never kill one of his men and you take the abuse and all"he said. "But its not my place to kill them"she explained. "I know, but you have to at least kill one to get everyone to glance at you"he said. She nodded.
A week past and harley finally had it planned out. Flag decided to help her and disable jokers and her bomb for good and was gonna send Moone to tell her the location. Harley stood in front of the large group of men. "Jokers not gonna be the one giving demands at the moment ... I am"Harley said calmly. "Stop waisting our time" a guard in the from said. Harley pulled out her gun shooting him in the head. Everyone jumped at Harleys sudden change and coldness. "Its about to get hell of crazy. We need to get J back. So let's stop giving me shit and do as I say"harley demanded. Everyone didn't seem convinced that she could do this. "What makes you-"one of jokers men was gonna start a whole speech about who put her in change but she shot him in the head to. Everyone was now convince. Frost smirked nodding at her. "You"she said point at a guard, he jumped stepping up. "Yes ma'am"he said solid. "I need you to call the professor and get the neck bomb from joker disabled"she demanded he nodded going. "I need someone to get info on where he's at. Frost and a few other guys. We go to the club so we can go around and see if anyone from the asylums work there."she demanded. "Anything for you"frost smiled bowing. "Thanks"she whispered. He nodded. She ran up to hers and mista js room. It felt so empty. she put on a full jumpsuit

Harley And Joker Oneshots
FanfictionHarley x joker. yes he hits her. yes he's mean to her but I truly feel as if he really does love her because.... Well he doesn't spend so much time break out someone he wants to get rid of.. but no one died or breaks up. its annoying reading some wh...