Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

~Eliana's P.O.V.~

It was very sweet of Legolas to come and cheer my up. It was strange how I felt so close to him even thought we had just met a while ago. Well, I guess I should thank Destiny for showing me the right path that basically showed me Legolas. I thought that he was a good man, but I knew that with me and him it could not last. I feared death, but i feared the death of my kin even more than my own death. I had to do what I thought was best and not what Destiny had showed me in her vision. I for one do not plan on dying in the arms of my supposed lover. I refused to be the pawn of some future that I belonged to, I knew that i had to change it.

"Eliana?...are you alright?" Legolas asked me as he quickly pulled me out of my train of thought.

"Yes...I am...I was just thinking..." I said quietly.

"You is getting you still wish to tell me about your people or do you wish to head back to your sleeping chambers to rest for tomorrow?" Legolas asked me quietly.

"I am not tired yet my prince...I would like to walk could join me if you'd like...and while we walk I could tell you things of how my kind became" I smiled lightly and stood up.

Legolas gave me a very charming smile and he stood up as well. He took my hand in his and we just walked, not knowing where we were going to go, we were just walking. I had told Legolas many things about my people and how they came to be and of our history and of all the magical creatures that live along with us Linfians. It never dawned to me that we had entered a beautiful field of flowers of many different colors. I gasped lightly at the beautiful sight and I heard Legolas chuckle slightly.

"This my dear Eliana is the gardens...many elves come here to gaze upon it's beauty...but it won't last won't last long for this place is long as the dark clouds of Mordor gloom over the land of Mirkwood everything here will die" Legolas spoke out softly and sadly.

"That is very know...Linfian elves absolutely adore the beauty of nature and of life...seeing this just makes me feel so helpless...Linfian elves can not live without nature...we heal it and they heal us in a way that is unexplainable" I said as I carefully picked up a wilting rose. "The poor thing" I muttered softly.

I sighed and held the rose with my two hands and sang a soft tone. It was a small song but it was just enough to give life to the small rose in my hand. It glowed a light red color and it bloomed ever so beautifully. I smiled happily as Legolas looked at me with complete amazement.

"I wish I could sing to the whole garden...but to be able to revive one as big as this would require the help of 5 Linfian's...I can only help so much without feeling so weakened" I stated as I held the rose in my hands.

"It's amazing what your kind can can bring life to just adds on to one of the many strange things about you...kind of like the whole dwarf thing" Legolas said lightly, watching my every movement.

"Well my kind have a past with dwarfs...of course you know that most elves hate dwarfs but my kind we work together with them...there was a time where we even lives together helping one another with our strengths and weaknesses...The dwarfs were always so kind...they showed great respect and loyalty if you showed it to them in return Legolas"

"I see...its all so very strange...but I like it...but you know that dwarfs can be very stubborn?"

I laughed lightly and smiled. "Only to get on an elf's nerves" I laughed out loudly and Legolas joined soon after.

"It's getting late you know...we should be heading to bed...tomorrow we shall leave to Rivendell" Legolas replied lightly. "Shall I walk you to your room?"

"Yes please...only because I could get lost in this massive home of yours" I giggled lightly and walked off with Legolas to my room.

When we reached my room I bid Legolas a good night and changed into my nightgown. The very minute that my head touched the soft satin pillows my mind wondered off into dreamless sleep.

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