Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

~Eliana's P.O.V.~

Two weeks have passed and in those two weeks Aragorn had married Arwen. The people of Gondor were happy to have their new queen. The hobbits had already left for their home in the Shire. Sadaron had left with Lyana and Milana to Linfia taking Gimli and the others that had come to escort me home. At this moment I was preparing Amaya for the long journey ahead of us. As the hours passed on I had found myself riding Amaya beside Legolas through the city of Minas Tirith. As we had left the city with the Mirkwoodian Elves riding close behind I was getting random messages from the trees that were insisting that I come home. I had ignored their calls and focused more on the ride to Mirkwood.

As the days moved on it soon turned to weeks, I had been told that we were nearing the gates of Mirkwood very soon. As we neared the gates I could see the peoplestanding at the gates with their king, Thranduil. When we passed the gates, we were welcomed with soft and happy cheers and clapping. I watched as Legolas quickly dismounted Arod and embraced his father before coming to my side to assist me off of Amaya.

"Ah Lady's so nice to see you again...I had no idea that you would return to Mirkwood" Thranduil said happily as I walked beside Legolas.

"It's a pleasure to be here in your home again Lord was only fair that I see it once more before I head home" I stated with a bright smile on my face.

"Thank you my long will you be planning on staying?" Thranduil asked.

I looked over to Legolas and smiled lightly. "As long as I am welcomed to my Lord"

Thranduil smiled and gave both Legolas and I suspicious glances. Thranduil dismissed a trailing thought before he escorted both Legolas and I through Mirkwood and into his main hall.

"So tell me...what has happened between the two of you?" Thranduil asked as he held his hands behind his back.

Legolas gave me a nervous glance before turning to Thranduil with a straight and serious expression.

~I wish to marry Eliana~ Legolas stated.

The whole room grew silent. The elves that were working around froze in their spot to see Thranduil's expression. Thranduil's expression was completely blank there was nothing, no emotion mixed in his eyes.

~I will not deny that I have fallen in love with Eliana...I wish to marry her~ Legolas said again hopefully. "Will you give us your blessing?"

I watched as a bright smile formed on Thranduil's face. He nodded his head slightly before giving a cheery laugh. Thranduil quickly took me in a tight hug and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"Nothing would make this elloth more proud than to see his own son marry after many years!" Thranduil stated. "Oh we have much to do...many things to be done...bah...who cares all that can be done another time of day...tonight we celebrate the return of our prince and you're engagement!" Thranduil bellowed out happily before running off to get everyone started.

Legolas gave a laugh of relief before taking my hand in his.

~Let me show you to your room...perhaps one closer to mine this time~ Legolas said lightly.

~Thank you...~ I laughed out lightly.

The whole day was completely busy. I could see many elleth's and elloth's running around busily trying to get things done. I haven't seen Legolas since he showed me to my room, and I was getting lonely. I missed his presence around me, but instead I was given the company of few elleth's who were now in my room fitting me into tonight's dress. It was interesting to see these elleth's walk around me happily telling me that I was lucky to be able to marry Legolas. Throughout the whole day I was at the mercy of the elleth's, who were fixing me up for tonight. I was now looking at a beautiful elleth standing in front of the mirror. I gasped lightly as I saw my reflection. I looked completely different, stunning, and beautiful. This elleth standing before me was me, but at the same time it wasn't.

"You look'll be a breath taking sight" An elleth said as she fixed the side of my dress.

"Come we should be going...we don't want to be late" Another said as she took my hand and lead me through the halls.

My heart was beating rapidly, and I found it hard to breathe. The moment was growing so close. I heard a soft chuckle as I looked down nervously. When I looked up I saw Thranduil smiling at me with such admiration.

~You look stunning...Legolas will love to see you...come~ Thranduil took my arm and lead me into a grand room.

The room had a large table in a corner of the room where I could see many elves sitting and celebrating. My eyes scanned over the room and the faces of the elloth's for one person, Legolas. When I found him his eyes lit up. The whole room became silent as soon as Thranduil and I walked made our presence known. I watched as Legolas slowly made his way to me. Legolas placed a soft kiss on my hand before taking my hand in his. Thranduil smiled approvingly before turning to his people.

~Tonight! We celebrate not only the ending of the war but also the engagement for my son Legolas to the beautiful Princess Eliana! ~ Thranduil stated loudly.

Legolas smirked lightly before leading me to my seat in between him and Thranduil. People cheered happily when they heard the news.

~Let the feast begin! ~ Thranduil bellowed out happily.

The night carried on and soon I found myself waltzing to the soft music with Legolas. Many eyes were on us as we gracefully danced along with a few other elves. I could see Thranduil smiling happily in his seat as he watched his soon to be daughter-in-law dance with his son. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I instantly turned to see Destiny standing there with a proud smile. I jumped lightly and took her in a quick hug.

"Destiny...what brings you here my friend?" I asked.

She laughed lightly. "To see you of course...and I can see that you are perfectly content with Legolas at the moment"

"I always have time for you Destiny...what is it?" I asked.

"Come...I have to speak with you about your wedding"

"What about it?" Legolas asked.

"Well...I need Thranduil's permission and yours of course Legolas to take Eliana off your hands until the wedding night" Destiny said lightly.

Legolas lightly nodded his head before taking Destiny to Thranduil. Thranduil had pulled all three of us into his private studies and had sat down to listen to what Destiny had to say.

"What brings you here Elleth" Thranduil asked politely.

"I came here to tell you of your plans...I have seen that you were thinking about taking action for you and your people...and I strongly agree with them...the time of the Elves has passed it is the time of Men...take action Thranduil and leave for the Undying Lands" Destiny stated.

"You were thinking about leaving?" Legolas said in complete disbelief.

Thranduil sighed lightly in disappointment. "I see Legolas I was planning on leaving the day you were to return to Mirkwood...I wanted to leave with you and our people...I just did not expect for you to come home and ask to marry Lady Eliana...although I am proud of your choice for a wife...I have been thinking things through and I am deciding to leave with my people to the Undying Lands after your wedding ceremony" Thranduil explained.

"My do not have to say anything were thinking about what is right for your people and I think you are doing the right long will Lord Thranduil have to stay here?" I asked.

"In one month he will set sail for the month is all we have Legolas...Thranduil...with your permission I will be taking Eliana out of your hands and into mine...let me take her to Linfia to prepare for what is needed for the wedding one month time I will send someone to show you the way to Linfia" Destiny stated as she stood up from her seat and take my hand. "Come now Lady Eliana...we have much to do...and a long two days ride ahead of us if we hurry without rest"

I stared at Destiny with disappointing eyes before nodding my head in reply. I gave Legolas an apologetic smile before walking away with Destiny. not too soon I found myself riding Amaya to Linfia.

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