Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

~Eliana's P.O.V.~

Three days, it has been three days since I last saw Gandalf. I found myself sitting quietly with Sadaron, Legolas, and Gimli. I was listening to Legolas and Sadaron patronize the poor dwarf about the life style of dwarves and why they chose to live underground. It was entertaining actually, to listen to Gimli arguing with both elloths questioning about how we elves live.

"How about you las? What's your homeland like?" Gimli asked.

I smiled lightly and turned to face the dwarf. "My home is...well it's a very wonderful place should come and see it...everyone will have to see's an absolutely beautiful place hidden deep from the eyes of lies within the forest, the tree leaves are forever green are forever green and the flowers blossom ever more beautifully...our homes in the trees keep us safe and connected with nature...the fresh smell of flowers lingering in the air with the scent of honey and vanilla..." I closed my eyes and envisioned my home. "The children would dance and sing around happily...dryads would float in the wind beautifully...pixies, fairies, leaf sprites playing in the gardens and fields of flowers...the

Ents always speaking to one kin singing to the trees and flowers happily" I whispered out and opened my eyes only to see that I caught the eyes of everyone in the main hall.

I blushed lightly and avoided all the eyes from the people who were staring at me.

"What is it with elves and making their homes in trees!?" Gimli growled out. "But I have heard that your kind bares a valuable jewel...I always thought it was a myth but now that I see u I think it's possible for such a jewel to tell me does it exist?...because I heard the jewel is beautiful enough to make any man fall victim under a brings power and great wealth doesn't it?" Gimli asked and I let out a soft laugh.

"Gimli...the jewel does exist...but it is not an object of wealth and power...the jewel is a comparison that the people of Linfia give to Eliana because of her beauty and her singing voice outshine all the elleths in Linfia" Sadaron said with a smirk playing at his lips. "And it is fall victim to her charm if they gaze upon her very eyes...although Eliana tends to avoid eye contact...Legolas however does not seem to be affected by this...although that can change once you do something drastic that was not meant to be...that is one of the many reasons I keep an eye on Eliana you know" Sadaron said as he kept close eyes on Legolas.

"That is not true!" I said loudly trying not to laugh. "Men do not fall under my charm by simple eye contact"

"That's what you think sister dearest" Sadaron said with a coy tone.

The door busted open with a loud bang and my attention was brought to Aragorn who came running inside the main hall.

"The beacons of Minas Tirith! The beacons are lit!...Gondor calls for aid!" Aragorn shouted as he stopped running in front of Theoden.

Theoden slowly looked around the room, looking at everyone before thinking about what to do.

"And Rohan will answer...muster the Rohirrim" Theoden said quickly to Eomer.

Eomer slowly bowed his head before leaving the main hall. Quickly I ran straight to my room and gathered my things for my bag. Legolas was in my room helping me he was looking through my bag as I put things where they were meant to be.

"You still have this flower?" Legolas asked.

I quickly turned to face Legolas and saw him holding up a slowly wilting flower. I gasped and quickly but carefully took the flower in my hands. It was the flower that the Lady of the Dryads had given to me, it was dying.

"I thought you had already used it to make that one dress" Legolas said.

"I did...but I only used a few petals...I can't believe I forgot about it! Oh I'm so could I forgotten about it?"

Legolas placed a soft kiss on my cheek. "Why don't you sing to it? Heal it like you healed the rose back in the garden of Mirkwood" Legolas said as he recalled that one event so long ago.

I smiled sweetly and agreed to sing a short, soft song to give the flower life again.

~Sadaron's P.O.V.~

I was outside, readying my horse and helping Gimli mount it. This dwarf could really be so helpless.

"Move faster dwarf! You have to get on!" I shouted.

"Hold your horse! You have it moving around like a pony!" Gimli growled as he tried to grab hold of the saddle. "Pick me up I can't reach!"

"Well if you can't reach grow a few feet then!" I shouted and quickly picked Gimli up so that he was on the saddle. "Grasp the reins" I ordered.

Gimli grumbled to himself cursing me out in his dwarfish tongue. I smirked at the now irritated dwarf as he struggled to stay on.

"If you stop moving the damned beast's reins I would gladly take hold of them!" Gimli growled out.

Arilaf, my horse quickly stood up on its rear legs causing Gimli to fall on his back. When Arilaf stood on all fours he quickly trotted to my side. I smirked at the fallen dwarf as he tried to get up.

"Arilaf does not appreciate you calling him a damned beast...for a dwarf you should be cautious of things bigger than you...hey can very well end your life" I said as I quickly mounted Arilaf.

"Sadaron...must you always patronize the dwarf?" I heard Eliana ask from behind me.

"It's simply too much fun" I said trying to hold in a laugh.

"No it isn't what if you were a dwarf and people treated you like you treat Gimli?" Eliana asked as she helped Gimli up.

"I wouldn't care...because if I were a dwarf I would save myself the stupidity and dignity and end my very life where I stand" I replied to her question.

Eliana gave me a cold glare before mounting Amaya. "Then perhaps you would do that would save me the stupidity of being your sister" she shot back and rode Amaya away to be beside Aragorn and Legolas.

~Eliana's P.O.V.~

I couldn't believe what I had just heard from Sadaron. Of all the disgraceful things he could have done that was the worst. It was upsetting to say the least; I quickly rode away from him and went to Legolas and Aragorn. I was holding the newly revived flower in my hand.

~What's wrong melamin?~ Legolas quickly asked as he sensed my distressed composure. was nothing Legolas~ I said.

~What is bothering you...I know something is wrong~ Legolas asked again this time getting a bit worried.

~I am fine...I promise...nothing is wrong~ I said as I placed my hand on his.

Legolas sighed and decided not to ask anymore.

"Now is the hour! Riders of Rohan oaths you have taken now fulfill them all to lord and land!" Eomer yelled as he was mounted on his horse and rode off leading us and the other riders to our newest destination.

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