Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

~Eliana's P.O.V.~

My night seemed restless, I did not have much time to sleep. My mind was plagued by everything that Destiny had told me. I spent my night tossing and turning trying to get myself to sleep but it was helpless. I sighed when I saw the sun was rising above the lands of Rivendell. I slowly got out of the bed and took a long bath which made my body feel at ease. When I was finished I took the time to dress and brush my hair. When I was finished I exited my room and decided to take a walk. During my walk I was lightly singing to myself and the trees that seemed very happy and content. I then stood there, enjoying the gentle rays of the sun as it embraced my skin. I felt at peace, almost like nothing in this world mattered, but I knew it wasn't going to last long.

"Eliana...I've been looking for you" A strong familiar voice said gently.

"Well Legolas you found me...what is it that you want of me?" I asked lightly not turning around to face him.

"I just wanted to see if you'd like for me to escort you to the Council?"

I turned around to face Legolas. "I would like that very much thank you" I smiled lightly as Legolas offered me his hand.

I gladly accepted his hand and we walked slowly to Lord Elrond's secret Council of the ring. We soon came into a court yard that took the form of a circle. it had various chairs placed together to form a circle. Then the groups of people came in. First the group of men came and claimed their seats to the far right and then the dwarfs claimed the seats in the middle and we elves claimed the seats to the far left.

"A woman? why do you elf bring a woman to a secret council meeting when women do not belong here?" A man, a rather big, husky man with a strong face, long almost brownish red hair and a short scruffy beard said in a rather disdained tone.

"Lady Eliana is a part of this council whether you like it or not Lord Boromir...and while Lady Eliana is here I can only wish for her to be treated with great respect" Legolas said smoothly as he escorted me to my seat.

"But a woman? women are weak...everyone knows what a woman's place is Legolas and it is not here" Boromir continued.

"Lord Boromir...although you mistake me for being a weak woman when clearly I am not you underestimate my skills as a warrior...but i also want you to know this Lord Boromir...As a woman we may lack a few strong capabilities as men do but we women are smarter and cunning...when a woman is well trained for the factor of her life then she becomes a deadly warrior even stronger than men themselves...and now Lord Boromir it would be wise to keep your comments to yourself...that's if you do not want to lose your life" I stated as I gave him a stern look.

The men looked at me with unbelieving eyes as they heard my threat. I knew that they were furious and enraged. The dwarfs silently snickered to themselves and Legolas simply gave me an amused smile.

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