Chapter 45

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So let my explain...when I first started this fanfic on quizilla people were messaging my, emailing me, etc, etc, etc. they told me how they liked this story. They even wanted me to alter it so that Haldir lives. I only write to please my readers so I kept the serious blonde haired elf alive.

Chapter 45

~Eliana's P.O.V.~

~Tangado a chadad!~ Aragorn commanded to the elves.

I quickly set an arrow in my bow and I aimed it at an Uruk.

~Faeg i-varv... dn na lanc a nu ranc!~ I heard Legolas say beside me.

My eyes were fixed on the now rampaging Uruk's and we waited for Aragorn's command.
~Leithio i philinn!~ Aragon yelled.

I released my arrow and as did the others. Hundreds of flying arrows were shot into the sky, easily destroying the first line of Uruk's. The second line moved forward taking charge.

"Anybody hit anything?" I heard Gimli say faintly, I was more focused on the charging Uruk's at the moment. "Send them to me! Come on!"

I smirked at Gimli's tolerance as I shot arrow after arrow, and quietly counting my fallen victims.

'5....6...7.....8' I thought silently to myself as I fired more arrows.

I quickly looked around and was Legolas focused on shooting the Uruk's and sadiron doing the same. I looked ahead and saw that Uruk's were falling quickly, but not as fast as presumed. I was brought back into reality when I saw the Uruk's shooting arrows at the archers, killing a few. Some fell back, and others fell forward into the army of Uruk's.

~Pendraith!~ I heard Aragorn yell.

I quickly looked ahead and saw the Uruk's hoisting up ladders.

"Ladders!" I shouted quickly.

"Good!" Gimli replied eagerly, ready to kill some Uruk's.

"Swords! Swords!" I heard Aragorn yell.

I quickly put away my bow and arrows and pulled out my long swords and waited as the Uruk's climbed the ladders and infiltrate the wall of Helms Deep. The very first Uruk that had approached me had not been very lucky. I had quickly cut off its head and moved to the next. When I reached the edge of the wall I was slicing my way through numerous Uruk's until I reached the ladder and I kicked it down, killing whenever Uruk's were climbing on the ladder.

'15...16...17........18.....19' I counted in my head.

"Legolas! Eliana! Two already!" Gimli exclaimed as he held up his hand showing two fingers.

"I'm on seventeen!" Legolas shouted. "Eliana?!" Legolas shouted again to get my attention.

"19!" I shouted as I cut through two more Uruk's. "21!...keep up boys" I said as I continued to cut through several more Uruk's.

"Arg! I'll have no pointy-earedwoman outscoring me!" I heard Gimli yell behind me as he smashed an Uruk in the head with an axe.

"19!" I heard Legolas shout.

I quickly turned to find Legolas but he was running off to continue fighting the Uruk's in a different part. I did not choose to follow because I was perfectly fine fighting off the Uruk's where I was.

'24...25.....26.........27...28...29...30' I counted in my head as I killed one after the other.

I quickly tried to find Legolas in the midst of all this bloodshed but I had ran into a big Uruk-Hai. I quickly slashed through its stomach but it seemed unfazed. Its large hands managed to clasp themselves around my neck, squeezing what life I had left and lift my up from the ground. I quickly moved my hands and tried to cut off its head with the blades in my hand and I succeeded without fail. Once I was free I quickly gasped for breath and continued to fight.

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