Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

~Eliana's P.O.V.~

Chapter 42

~Eliana's P.O.V.~

Nearly a day I have spent looking for Aragorn. I have been following the river he had fell into. The sun was setting and it was growing dark. I had chosen to take a break. I had fallen asleep quickly, and I had woken up when the sun was just rising in the sky. I quickly mounted Amaya and slowly rode along the shore of the river. Then there along the waters I saw a brown horse kneeling down beside a fallen man. I quickly headed towards the man and my entire being was relieved when I saw that Aragorn was breathing slowly. He was alive, which was a good thing. I kneeled down beside Aragorn and carefully lifted his head and placed it onto my lap.

"Aragorn?" I called out slowly.

Aragorn slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Arwen?" Aragorn whispered in a weak tone.

I laughed lightly and carefully sat him up.

"No...I'm sorry to disappoint you though" I whispered.

"Eliana?"Aragorn croaked out in an exhausted tone.

" come...we have to get you to Helms Deep" I said slowly as I got him to his feet. "Do you think you can ride alone?" I asked.

Aragorn gave me a soft nod of his head before slowly mounting onto Brego, his horse.

I smiled and quickly mounted onto Amaya and we rode up stream. We had only stopped for a while until the sun was in the sky clearly. I had gotten Aragorn to eat some lembas and I managed to get him to take a few hours of rest. By the time we had to moveagain the night sky was above us. I have been warned by the trees that it wasn't safe to rest in the night so we rode on until I was warned by the trees yet again of a strong force. They had told me that this force was heading for Helms Deep. I quickly turned Amaya around and rode her in a different direction.

"Eliana? Where are you going?" Aragorn questioned.

"It's a short cut...follow me" I said simply and rode off.

Aragorn followed me without another question. After a short time of riding without rest I could hear the sounds of clashing metal and marching feet. I quickly looked out in the distance and saw an army of orcs. Aragorn had seen it as well. I was surprised to see this, a large number of orcs, maybe thousands, tens of thousands. Aragorn and I quickly rode off to Helms Deep, within half of a day we reached the gates. The gates were opened and we entered the refuge of Helms Deep.

"They're alive!" I heard a woman scream.

People began to surround us quickly but then I heard Gimli shouting.

"Where are they?! Where are they?! I'm gonna kill 'em!" Gimli quickly pushed through the crowd of people before he could reach us. "You! Are the luckiest...most reckless man I ever knew!" Gimli shouted as he embraced Aragorn and then he turned to me. "Bless you lassie...bless you for bringing him back in one piece..." Gimli quickly hugged me quickly. "Oh and lassie...Sadaron is gonna kill ya! He's mad with you for not telling him a word of what you was gonna do and he is even mad at Legolas for not answering him!"

"Gimli where is the king?" I asked quickly.

Gimli did not speak, he only pointed in the direction to where the kings hall was. Aragorn and I quickly went straight for the hall. It was then when I was attacked and pulled into a tight hug.

"Oh I missed you Eliana!"it was Sadaron. "I should be yelling at you right now...but I'm glad your back...with Aragorn" Sadaron released me and hugged Aragorn, also catching the attention of Eowyn.

"Eliana?" I heard a smooth voice say.

I smile and ran towards the voice that said it. Legolas quickly picked me up and twirled me around. When he stopped he captured my lips in his and we shared a deep passionate kiss. My arms laced around his neck and his hands snaked their way around my waist.

~Gil sila na lu goaded melamin~ Legolas whispered sweetly in my ear.

~Im gelir ceni ad lin melamin~ I said as I kissed his lips.

~Le melon~ Legolas whispered in my ear.

~Le melon~ I whispered back.

Legolas caressed my cheeks with his hands and kissed my lips again. Then someone clears their throat, both Legolas and I turned to see a very frustrated Sadaron. Legolas and I only smiled and faced Aragorn, looking him with serious eyes; Aragorn had a smirk playing at his lips.

~you're late~ Legolas said as he studied Aragorn. "You look terrible"

I smiled happily when I saw Legolas give the Evenstar back to Aragorn, who then said a kind thank you before walking with me to the king's hall. Aragorn quickly pushed through the large wooden doors and I could hear everyone in the room give a soft gasp. They were caught off guard, by seeing Aragorn alive, even the king was surprised. It took a while for both Aragorn and I to explain our story.

"a great host you say?" Theoden questioned Aragorn.

"All Isengard is emptied" Aragorn stated.

"How many?" Theoden asked.

"Ten thousand strong at least" I said quickly as Theoden looked at me with unbelieving eyes. "it is an army bred for a single destroy the world of men...they will be here by nightfall" I quickly stated. "you cannot stay here king Theoden...Helms Deep may be a fortress but it is a dead end pitched in a corner of have to move the people or stay and fight and will be trapped and one by one your people will fall not even the women and children will live" I added.

Theoden quickly walked out of his hall but not before saying. "Let them come"

I looked at Aragorn who gave e a worried glance. We followed the king with the others through the streets of Helms Deep listening to him.

"I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for battle by nightfall" Theoden said to one of his guards.

The man nodded his head before walking away.

"We will cover the causeway and the gate from army has ever breached the Deeping Wall or has set foot inside the Hornburg" Theoden said as he walked outside of Helms Deep and showed the defenses his people were putting up.

I looked up to see the great stone wall and shook my head in disappointment. I would have said something but I remained quiet.

"This is not a rabble of mindless orcs...these are Uruk-Hai...their armor is thick and their shields broad" Gimli said.

"I have fought many wars Master Dwarf...I know how to defend my own keep" Theoden spat out at Gimli and walked back into Helms Deep.

The others did not say a word after; we simply followed the king as he walked through the streets of his fortress.

"They will break upon this fortress like water on rock...Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn...we've seen it before...crops can be resown homes rebuilt...within these walls we will outlast them" Theoden continued as he checked on things.

"They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages...they come to destroy its people...down to the last child!"Aragorn shouted.

"What would you have me do? Look at my men...their courage hangs by a thread...if this is to be our end then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance!" Theoden hissed as he grabbed Aragorn's shirt roughly.

"Send out riders my must call for aid" Aragorn said quickly.

Theoden turned to Aragorn once again and said. "and who will come...Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you...the old alliances' are dead"

"Gondor will answer" Aragorn stated to the king.

"Gondor?!"Theoden exclaimed loudly. "Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us? Where was Gon-...No my Lord Aragorn we are alone" Theoden muttered darkly before walking away.

The rest of the day passed slowly. I had been watching Theoden with the others as he passed orders around to his guards.

"Get the women and children into the caves" Theoden commanded.

"We need more time to lay provisions for a siege, lord" a guard stated to the king.

"There is no time war is upon us!" Theoden shouted.

"Secure the gate!" The guard shouted as the king walked towards me.

"Eliana...I want you to go into the caves with the women and children" Theoden commanded making me scoff.

"And what makes you think that I will go into those caves?" I asked.

"You are a must go to the caves Lady Eliana" Theoden said clearly.

"You are not my king so do not order me around as if I am one of your miserable people" I stated as I saw the guards take the women and children away.

"You cannot allow Eliana to stay in the caves...she has to stay and fight" Aragorn stated.

"Eliana is a skilled need need all the people you can get" Legolas said soon after.

Theoden did not say a word; he only nodded his head and walked off. I glared holes in the back of his head, but I got over it. I quickly took a deep breath and stoop up.

"I need some time to myself...I will see you all soon" I said as I walked away.

I was quickly walking through the streets of helms deep calling out Sidara's name. Where was that dryad? I needed her here; she needed to relay a message for me. I spent minutes finding her. I had found her in an opening playing with several children.

"Sidara!" I called out.

She smiled and floated towards me. "Yes my lady?" Sidara asked.

"You must have heard along the wind haven't you?"

"I have...and I must say that we are heavily outnumbered" Sidara said sadly.

"I want you to go back to Linfia for me" I said.


"we need help...head over there and quickly as you can get on my father to send fighters, warriors...anything" I said quickly.

"Of course my lady...I will return with what I have" Sidara said as she flowed away with the wind.

Hope was all we had right now. The people of Helms Deep had to hope that we would win this war.

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