Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

~Eliana's P.O.V. ~

I don't know how long I have locked myself away in my room. All I know was that I wanted to be alone and undisturbed by no one. Not even Legolas was able to get me out of my room. He gave me my time alone but at times he would worry and come inside and lie beside me and whisper calm and sweet things into my ear, but right now I was alone and I wanted it to stay that way. I was taking a long and much needed bath, I felt relaxed when my body made contact with the warm water. When I finished my bath I quickly dressed and brushed my hair and lay back down on my bed.

There was a knock on the door; I had remained silent, wanting nothing to do with the very person who was disturbing me. I heard the door open and the footsteps of someone entering my room. I sat up straight and say Lyana standing beside my bed. She crossed her arms and gave me a displeased look.

"Is this how a princess of Linfia is meant to act?" Lyana instigated.

" know you are a dear friend of mine but do you have to patronize me now? I wish to be alone please" I said quietly.

"I can't leave you alone...I was sent here to get you by Gandalf...he's holding a meeting right now and he wishes you to get that but of yours off the bed and go the main hall" Lyana said as she took my hand and began to pull me.

I laughed slightly and stood up on my feet. "Happy?" I asked.

" know you're making people worry about you...mainly me...I mean what are you thinking locking yourself away because your brother shouldn't be locking yourself up for that...he is your brother...your only brother you should be praying for him to return safely not keeping to yourself in this room...have some faith in Sadaron please my lady" Lyana said as she took my hand in hers.

"Thank you always know what to say to me" I smiled and hugged my best friend.

"You're go before you're late" Lyana pushed me out the door.

"You're not coming?" I asked.

"I can't's not my meeting to attend" Lyana said with a soft smile.

I smiled in return and began to make my way to the main hall where I found Legolas standing next to Eomer, Gimli sitting in a chair smoking his pipe, Gandalf standing alone and Aragorn standing in the center of the hall. When I made my presence known all eyes were on me, they were mainly filled with pity but I ignored it and claimed my spot beside Legolas who placed a soft kiss on me cheek and took my waist in his hands. There was silence in the group but then Gandalf spoke up.

"Frodo has passed beyond my sight..." Gandalf stated and walked a short distance before continuing. "The darkness is deepening"

"If Sauron had the Ring we would know it" Aragorn said as he looked up slightly.

"It's only a matter of time he suffered a defeat yes...but behind the walls of Mordor our enemy is regrouping" Gandalf stated in a grave and serious tone.

"Let him stay there...let him rot! Why should we care?" Gimli asked loudly making everyone turn to him.

"Because 10,000 Orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom" Gandalf stated.

Gimli remained silent and blew a puff of smoke from his pipe, not wanting to interfere anymore.

"I've sent him to his death" I heard Gandalf whisper guiltily.

"No...There is still hope for Frodo...he needs time and safe passage across the plains of Gorgoroth we can give him that" Aragorn said as he turned to face the old wizard.

"How?" Gimli asked.

"Draw out Sauron's armies" Aragorn said as if it was the easiest thing in the world to accomplish. "Empty his lands then we gather our fill strength and march on the Black Gate"

Gimli chocked a bit but then regained his composure.

"Its madness...suicide...we can't do that" I stated.

"Eliana is right...we cannot achieve victory through strength of arms" Eomer said as he walked closer to Aragorn.

"Not for ourselves...but we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron's Eye fixed upon us...keep him blind to all else that moves" Aragorn said as he turned his head towards Legolas and I.

I began to think and it suddenly clicked in my head. I knew Aragorn's plan and it was defiantly crazy and suicidal but it was crazy and suicidal enough to work.

"A diversion" Legolas and I said at the same time.

"Sauron will suspect a trap he will not take the bait" Gandalf whispered lightly to Aragorn.

"Certainty of death...small chance of success...what are we waiting for?" Gimli asked.

A small laugh escaped my throat as I heard Gimli's remark.

"Then it is settled...we will go to Mordor" I said quietly.

"We ride to Mordor at tomorrow's first light" Aragorn said as he nodded his head in agreement.

It wasn't long before I found myself in my room gathering my things for tomorrow's journey to Mordor. I was anxious many thoughts roamed through my mind, one of many if for my brother's well being and the other is for Legolas's safety. I was too focused on these thoughts that it didn't occur to me to even think that someone had come into my room and was sitting on my very bed.

"Hello's so nice to see you again" She said happily.

I smirked lightly and turned to face Destiny. "What do you need? I am very busy Destiny" I stated and closed the door to my room.

"I am here to give you something...your father made it for you from the flower that you gave you want it because I could just go and leave you know" Destiny said casually as she stood on her two feet.

"Stay...what is it that you have for me?" I asked.

Destiny grinned widely and from within her cloak she handed me a single arrow that was beautifully crafted with a unique design and its tip was made from a glowing pink stone.

"It's a very important arrow Eliana...your father had told me that with the flower he was able to create an arrow that can tear through the Linfian fabric that your mother only have one shot make it count" Destiny said.

I took the bow and placed it inside the quiver with the other arrows. It stood out clearly from the others.

"Why just one?" I asked.

"Your father was getting he was only able to create one arrow...he did not want anyone to assist him...he felt the need to do it himself and with his hard work and his caring hands he created the one arrow...he even tested it on himself you know...nearly took his life but he didn't...when your father finished he had asked me to hold it and to deliver it to you when he passed...that is all I have to tell I should be going before that elloth of yours barges in the room...take care of yourself Eliana...and remember never face the wicked woman alone...steer away from her cunning tricky when taking her life because if it's one thing Eldrid loves to do is bargain a life for a life" That was it, with those last words Destiny was gone, she faded before my eyes.

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