Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

~Eliana's P.O.V.~

All eyes were on me, which I found to be very annoying and irritating, but I ignored it. I stood beside Sidara who was floating around looking at everyone with keen interest. Then Gandalf began to walk through Fangorn and the rest followed him quickly.

"One stage of your journey is over, another begins war has come to Rohan we must ride to Edoras with all speed" Gandalf said quickly as he picked up his pace.

No one seemed to argue with Gandalf's decision at all. Once we set foot out of Fangorn forest Gandalf quickly put on his old grey cloak over his white one. Sidara stood by my side, not willing to let anyone near me. A loud whistle broke through the air and I looked up to Gandalf and nitoced that he was calling for something. Then out in the harizon I saw the figure of a beautiful white horse, galloping our way. This creature was truely a wonder, as it made it's way to Gandalf.

"That is one of the Mearas unless my eyes are cheated by some spell" I heard Legolas say in utter amazement.

The horse quickly came to Gandalf. "Shadowfax he's the lord of all horses and he's been my friend through many dangers" Gandalf said as he stroked the horses nose. "Come...we must hurry if we wish to make it there on time!" Gandalf said as he mounted Shadowfax.

Aragorn, Gimli, Sadaron, and Legolas had mounted their horses, but I had this strange feeling that someone wanted to see me back in Fangorn. Legolas had his hand extended towards me. I looked up at him and shook me head.

"You all go ahead...I'll meet up with you there" I said as I looked back towarda Fangorn.

"You want us to leave you here alone? I don't think so Eliana...I am not going to leave you here mean to much to me" Legolas stated sternly.

"I will be fine...I will have Sidara with me if anything were to happen" I said quietly.

"You will not go back in there Eliana...I have seen you being over taken by something and I will not let you go in there!" Sadaron shouted. "Now get on the horse Eliana!" Sadaron yelled this time, sending fear through my body.

I never really minded Sadaron being my half brother, but knowing that he was HIS son never really fazed me. Still hearing him yell at me sent an unknown fear through my body. I did not like it one bit. Legolas glared at Sadaron with venom in his eyes. Sadaron, looked at me with apologetic eyes.

"Eliana...I'm sorry...I-I don't know what came over me" Sadaron said silently.

I ignored his plee for forgiveness and I quietly mounted Arod, behind Legolas. I remained quiet, not speaking to anyone. Sidara only looked at me once before she allowed the wind to carry her away as Gandalf quickly rode off.

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