Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

~Eliana's P.O.V.~

"Late as usual pirate scum!" I heard a voice from the dock yell angrily. "There's knife-work here needs doing"

"Come on you sea rats! Get off your ship!" another voice yelled.

"Now" Aragorn whispered as he jumped the side of the ship and landed on land.

Gimli was next off the ship and then I jumped down and Legolas joined me. We walked forward ready to fight and then I heard Gimli speak.

"There's plenty for the both of us" Gimli said to Legolas bringing on a new game of Orcs killing. "May the best dwarf win"

I sighed. 'Don't they ever give it a rest?' I thought to myself and thought about the two being so competitive.
We marched ahead and the Orcs didn't seem fazed by our presence. When we charged and the ghosts appeared behind us and fear rose in the Orcs faces as we quickly and easily slay them all and continue our way to Minas Tirith. With every kill we grew closer to Minas Tirith. Legolas had kept to his promise and stood by my side. I quickly swung my sword around and killed Orcs quickly without a sweat.

"Fifteen! Sixteen!" I heard Legolas count loudly.

"Seventeen!" I heard Gimli as he cut an Orc with his axe.

I quickly took off an Orcs head with a quick swing of my blade. An Orc swung at me and I ducked and kicked the Orc to the ground and plunged Azda into its chest. An Orc from behind quickly took hold of my head of hair. And held a blade at my throat. I quickly dropped Azda and took one of my daggers and cut through my hair releasing me from his grip. I quickly turned around and stabbed the Orc through the stomach. I quickly picked up Azda and moved on to my next Orc.

"Twenty-nine!" I heard Gimli shout as he slayed his next Orc.

"Legolas!" Aragorn called out and pointed to a massive beast, an Oliphaunt.

Legolas stared at it for a moment before running and jumping on its massive spiked covered tusks. The Oliphaunt quickly tried to swat him off but quickly jumped to the beast's massive front leg and jumped to the hind leg and slowly began to climb up using the arrows lodged in the beast as support. I watched as Legolas stood up and shot down the enemy. Legolas nearly fell off but he quickly grasped a rope and held on. My heart was beating quickly as I watched Legolas cut down a support that held the tower in place. The tower slowly fell and Legolas was lifted onto the back of the Oliphaunt. Legolas quickly shot three arrows at the beasts head and it fell quickly and I watched in awe as Legolas slid down the Oliphaunts trunk in front of Gimli and me.

"That still only counts as one!" Gimli shouted and continues to kill Orcs. "Alright then come on!"

Legolas smirked at the upset dwarf and then turned his attention to me.

"Your hair...what happened?" Legolas asked as he touched my now short hair.

"It got in the Orc took my long hair as an grabbed my hair I cut it off and killed the damned thing" I stated.

We now had the advantage, we were winning the war. The ghosts left none alive as the Orcs retreated. The ghosts entered the city of Minas Tirith, killing as they went this war was our victory. A sudden gust of wind blew in the air and in the distance I saw my father standing proudly beside Amaya. He was facing against another person. I strained my eyes and saw that this person saw mother. My eyes widened and I quickly ran toward him screaming my father's name. My parents faced me, mother gave me a twisted smile and my father gave me a sad look almost apologetic.

~Ada!~ I yelled as I neared him but I was quickly restrained by a Linfian elloth.

"No! must not go my lady!" He stated as he held me away from my parents. "He chose this himself...he ordered me to keep you away"

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