Chapter 1

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Natalie's POV

I wake up to my mom running in my room,"Wake up sleepy head! You turn 13 today!" But my blankets feel so fluffy, and comfortable around me.

I slowly get up, rubbing my eyes.  "Fine. I'll get dressed." I groan, crawling out of my warm blankets. The cold room air makes me shiver in discomfort. Mom smiles, running out of my room.

I change into black leggings, a black lace tank top, and a biker jacket. Of course, I don't bother to brush my mid length, dirty blonde hair, as that's a job I can save for after we eat.

I walk around my room for a bit, running my hands along the rough stone walls, glancing at the spot where I painted a window, as we are too far underground to have an actual window.

We live in what used to be the Dauntless Compound, but we still stay close to their traditions. Mom said after the war, everyone was free to live where and how they pleased, and they chose to live like Dauntless.

The story of my parents is a long and beautiful one, and they even became famous for it. But it was hard on them, and somehow, even through that, they found time to raise me.

I walk out the hallway, being greeted by the heavenly smell of none other than.... bacon.

I smile, watching dad flip some bacon. He does the chef flip with the pancakes. Acting professional, whereas my Mom burnt noodles once. NOODLES. "Morning Dad!" I say, giving him a hug from behind. "Morning Princess." He replies joyfully,"Happy 13th!"

Mom says he used to be very serious and stern, and even threw a knife at her head. He was a Dauntless intructor, mainly to get away from my abusive grandfather, if I even consider him family. Would it be mean to say he luckily died in the war? She says that having me changed Dad, I turned him more loving than she had ever seen him.

Of course, I can't imagine him ever being more than his loving, goofy self. After all, it's what I grew up with.

I hop onto a bar stool, and Dad slides a full plate of bacon, eggs and pancakes in front of me. "Order up!" He tosses silverware beside the plate.

I dig in like an angry racoon that hasn't eaten anything but soda bottle wrappers for 3 weeks.

Mom laughs at me,"And you obviously get your ladylike charm from my side of the family." I laugh, taking a second to breath. It's all happiness and giggles for a while, something I take for granted nowadays.

Dad gives mom a concerned glance,"Tris, can I talk to you in the other room?" I smile,"Go ahead Mom. I won't die from being left alone with my bacon."

She smiles,"Thanks darling." They walk into the living room, talking quickly and quietly. I try not to wonder what the conversation is about, wanting a stress free day.

They return, uneasy looks on their faces. "What's wr-" I start saying, but what happens stops me dead still. As I pick up my fork, it melts into molten silver.

I stare for a second, before letting out a scream. Mom grabs me, covering my mouth. "Honey. We might need to talk."

My eyes stay wide open, still in shock. "What in the hell just happened?" Dad gives me the 'Dad disappointment look' ,"Watch your mouth."

I straighten out,"Please, there are much worse words I could use." He makes his face more intense,"Watch it Natalie Rose."

Mom leads me back to my seat, and I shakily get back up. "Mom. Please. What happened?" I say again, more concerned now. I eat another piece of bacon, as if it will calm me down at all. But it is bacon...

"Ok honey, relax. You are about to take in a lot. Are you ready to know the biggest secret in your life?" I shake out my head,"Ready, I guess. But how prepared can I really be?"

She looks scared, almost,"Not very." I grab my drink to take a sip, but nothing comes down." I pull it away from my mouth, and glance inside.

My jaw drops.
The contents of the cup are frozen.

I scream again, throwing it across the room. Then, I don't know if it's the combination of melting a fork or freezing my drink, or just shock, but I feel myself slump in my chair. Dad yells, and my eyes close.

I know I'm not dead, but I can hear every one around me. Well atleast for a few minutes before I am pulled into a luxurious feeling of sleep.

Sorry it's a short first chapter! Obviously, the plot of this will be a lot different than the original, but I still hope you will enjoy it!

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