Chapter 5

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Mom pulls some granola bars and fruit out of the bag, and we snack quietly for a few minutes.

"By the way, we knew you were climbing." Mom blurts out. I look down,"Oops. How'd you know?"

"An Amity came to us, and said she saw you guys in the tree, but walked away. Did you guys fall, is that why your arm is bruised?" She asks.

I nod,"It doesn't hurt though. In Dauntless, it doesn't matter." Mom laughs, taking another bite from her granola bar.

Then it starts. One moment we are sitting peacefully, the next people in blue clothes jump out, guns in hand.

I jump up, holding my hands up to block anything they try. Mom and Dad pull Nadia and I behind them.

"Who are you?" Mom yells. One of them steps forward, a woman with shoulder length blonde hair, and a stern look. She has a distinct scar on her hand, that looks like it was made by a knife.

Moms eyes go wide. "J-Jeanine? You should be dead!" Mom yells.

That's Jeanine Matthews! The woman who tried to kill my parents!

Jeanines eyes move to me, and she raises her eyebrows,"Oh? A little one?" I furrow my brow,"I'm not little. I'm 13, and probably smarter and stronger than you'll ever be." I threaten.

She laughs, a vile, evil laugh,"Oh darling, I doubt that." Dad steps to her,"Don't you dare talk to my daughter. Ever."

Jeanine laughs,"Aren't you wondering why I'm here?"

Mom steps up,"Actually, no. Girls RUN!" Mom yells.

I feel like it's a built in instinct, I spin on my heel and head for the cornfields. I can hear Nadia's footsteps beside me and reach out for her hand.

She grasps it, and I run as fast and hard as I can. Its all happening so fast, I don't have time to look for my parents.

The corn stalk leaves cut our faces as we run. "Nadia, the railroads are coming up, we have to be quick. You are going first." I yell to her.

She grunts as we run,"Ok, but I'm pulling you in right after me."

I see the rusted tracks ahead, and can hear the rumbling as the train approaches. In the seconds we stop to wait for it to get closer, I can begin to see Jeanines minions following behind.

"Go! Now!" I yell, as soon as the train comes near. Nadia jumps on with ease, and extends her hand.

"Come on Natalie!" She yells back. I extend my hand, but not in time. One of the men throws something in my right leg, and I scream, falling to the ground.

Nadia screams my name as the train goes farther away. I pull out a knife, wincing in pain. I push through the pain, and run as fast as I can back to the fields.

The minions are right on my heels. I try to knock away the leaves. Suddenly, a man jumps in front of me. Then another to my side. Then my other side. I'm trapped.

I look at each of them. "You really want to do this?"

One of them laughs,"What can a little girl do? Throw a fit till her mommy comes and saves her?" I look him dead in the eyes. "No. But I can do this." I grab hold of his sleeve, setting it on fire.

I watch as realization sets in, and he runs out of the fields, burning. I notice the corn catching on fire.

"Who's next!" I yell. Two of them come at me, and I grab each of their hands, pulling them together and freezing them to each other's backs. Then, I kick them into the last man.

I hear them struggling as I run the other way, to the orchard entrance. I am hesitant, not having the coverage of the thick fields, but I stay close to the low branches.

But that's where my mistake was. Someone grabs me by the arm, yanking me to the ground. I scream briefly, before he puts a hand over my mouth.

He has an acne ridden face, with crooked yellow teeth and balding hair. "Little girl, you know you wouldn't have escaped!" He yells wickedly.

He holds my arms down. "You'll never get away from Jeanine! She knows what's right!"

I spit in his face, and he looks at me with pure hatred. "Well you don't have to be mean about it!"

I roll my eyes,"How's this for mean?" I try my hardest, and erupt my arms in flames. He screams like a little girl, and jumps up. I limp and run as far as I can, hearing more people begin to follow me.

I make it to the entrance, but that was a bad idea. Jeanine is waiting.

"Come on Natalie, come with us peacefully, and we won't hurt you. Well, won't hurt you much." She laughs.

My response is automatic,"HEEEEELLLLLL NAH!"  I go to grab her arm, but before I know what's happening, she grabs my arm, and jams a needle in my neck.

I slump to the ground, and see people run for me. Then it all goes black.

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