Chapter 25

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"Move out of they way pansycakes!" I scream, as we run down the ramps.

People jump out of our way, not wanting to bother a pregnant woman being rushed by two screaming teenagers. "Hang in there Mom!" I say, pushing her in the wheel chair faster. 

"Careful over the chasm!" She screams, as I run over. 

I don't bother listening, and just speed past it. Blake runs beside us, making sure she stays secure. Finally, after the longest five minutes of my life, we make it. "My Mom's water just broke, get the HELL away!" I scream as we walk in. 

Immediately, we are surrounded by doctors and nurses, grabbing at her. "How far along?" Someone asks. 

"36 weeks!" I answer for Mom. 

"How many?" 


"Come on people GO!" Someone yells, and she is pushed away. 

I take a labored breath, full of adrenaline. I am so incredibly nervous for Mom, I really hope she is going to be okay. "Natalie?" Blake says, pulling me out of my rushed state of mind. 

"Shouldn't you call your dad?" 

My eyes widen, "Shit. Shit. Shit. It isn't that hard, right?" 

He laughs at me, but I don't think this is funny. I scramble to pull out my phone, and dial Dad's number. After two rings, he picks up. 

"Natalie? Is something wrong?" 

I breath out heavily, "Mom's water just broke. That means she is going to go into labor." 

"Are you kidding me? I'll be right there!" He says, hanging up. 

I plop down in a chair, glad to sit down.I am so glad I have been working out, or else my legs would be pounding right now. Mom said that when your water breaks, the baby can come as soon as a few hours, and they have to get you ready. I could have avoided the rush, but since Mom is having twins, I don't want to risk anything. 

Blake sits next to me, rubbing my hand to calm me down. Luckily, that works, and I am able to not worry so much. "Natalie?" I hear Dad's scared voice from the entrance. 

I stand up, "Hey Dad! They haven't called us back yet, so they are probably prepping. You can ask a nurse where she is still." 

"Thank you Nat, I am so glad you were there." He says, before running up to ask where she is. 

"Room 1046, you are the father, I presume." The nurse at the computer says. 

He nods. 

"Fantastic, you can go in whenever you want." 

Dad laughs, probably from excitement, and looks to me, "Do you want to come?" 

I shake my head, "I do not need to see that." 

He laughs, running down the hall. I lean back in my chair, and put my shoulder on Blake. "Thank you." I whisper. 

"For what?" He asks, looking down at me. 

"For dealing with my crazy family." 


"Natalie Eaton?" The nurse asks, looking at the waiting room. 

I stand up, glad to after a few hours. 

"Your Mom is ready to see you. These babies came quicker than expected." She says, smiling. 

"Can Blake come?" 

"Well is that the one your Mom described as 'her little boyfriend'?" The nurse asks, giggling a little. 

I blush, "I-uh, yeah. Come on Blake." 

He laughs, following us down the hall. I hear Dad whispering to, what I guess is, one of my little siblings. 

We walk in quietly, and I am immediately overwhelmed with joy. Mom holds one little one, and Dad holds the other. They are so beautiful. I am surprised by their fiery red hair, not expecting that. I don't even think that my family has red hair... 

"Girls?" I ask, looking at the one in Mom's arms. 

She nods, a tear coming from her eye, "Yes. Ashlen and Eliza." 

I look at Ashlen, a little blanket with her name on it wrapped around her body. "Can I hold her Dad?" I ask, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. 

He nods, handing her to me. She lays in my arms so peacefully, and I carry her so gently, rocking a little. Her eyes are barely open, but she still smiles at me. I put my finger near her, and she grabs it. 

"Where did they get that red h-" My words are stopped when it happens. 

As Ashlen grabs at my finger, she burns it. This is impossible. "Mom..." I trail off. 

"What is it sweetie?" She asks, looking over at me. 

"Ashlen... is divergent." I whisper. 

Mom shakes her head, "That's insane, they were literally born 45 minutes ago." 

I move to stand in front of my parents, and hold out a little flame on my pinkie. Ashlen reaches out her tiny hand, and instead of a flame, she blows snow into my face. 

We all stop dead in our tracks. This is insane. This is impossible. My infant sisters are... divergent. 

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