Chapter 8

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After the doctor cleans up my wound and wraps it, Uncle Zeke brings me to his truck. "We have to get everyone. I'll see if Shaylee has any spare clothes in your size."

I haven't seen my honorary cousin Shaylee in a while. Uncle Zeke and Aunt Shauna are usually very busy, so I never really get to see them.

"I hope. The clothes they gave me look terrible." I say, showing my baggy outfit.

He laughs,"Girls... Let's get home Nat."

As soon as we get in the car, and I lean my head back, I'm out like a light.


Uncle Zeke shakes my shoulder,"We're here. Get up." I slowly stretch my arms, and once again those terrible memories flood my mind.

I shudder, trying to block them from my mind. He helps me out, and once I am on my feet, I realize that we have to jump down the net.

I groan,"Why isn't there stairs!" He just shrugs, and pushes me towards the edge.

"Just don't land on your leg."

I make the familiar jump onto the ledge. I glance down. I've never been great with heights, but this one is easier.

I take a deep breath, and jump down. I love the feeling of my heart racing, the wind whistling in my ears.

I make sure my body is turned into my back when I land. I brace for impact, and my body slams down into the net.

I smile and laugh, loving the feeling. Though it did hurt my leg a little.

I turn over to climb off the net, and get flooded with emotions. By the bottom of the net stands my parents.

I squeal, and jump off. Bad idea. I make a grunt noise as my leg hits the floor.

Both my parents embrace me in hugs. Joy overtakes my body, and I squeeze back, ignoring any pain I am in. 

I here Uncle Zeke scream when he comes down, but ignore that too.

We pull back when he hops down,"Where did you two come from?" He asks.

"We've got a long story." Mom says.

I see her eyes drawn to my leg,"But first, What happened to your leg Natalie?"

I look down,"Um... I may or may not have gotten a knife thrown in my leg. But it isnt a big deal, just a little knife!"

Anger shows obviously in Dads face,"A knife! Someone threw a knife at my baby girl!" He yells.

"Tobias calm down!" Mom says, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. He closes his eyes, thinking,"Whatever just happened, it's over now. All I know is that you will be having extra protection from now on."

I sigh,"I guess that's fine. But first, we need to see if Nadia got home safe. I remember her leaving on a train, but I dont know if she got back."

We make our way to Aunt Chrissy's house, and knock. Uncle Will opens the door, a terrified look on his face.

"Oh my God Natalie! You're okay!" He says, grabbing me. Mom coughs. "Oh and you guys too." He says.

I laugh,"Yah. I am okay, is Nadia here?" He nods. I let out a deep breath,"Thank god!"

He ushers us in, "We need a talk." We sit down on their giant leather couch,and Uncle Zeke lays on his back on the floor.

Nadia and Aunt Christina come in, and both engulf us all in bear hugs. I smile,"I'm glad you all care. What do you want to talk about Uncle Will?"

He glances at Aunt Christina and my parents,"I think it's time we go to, you know. The place." He says.

I have no clue what he is talking about.

Mom bites her lip, a common habit of hers.

"I think we do." Dad says, sounding unwilling.

Seriously, Why all the code! "Will some one tell us what the hel- heck you are talking about?" I shout, irritated.

I hear the parents collectively sigh. Dad stands up, and goes in front of us. 

"The place we are talking about is the C.P.P.E.D.F. The Citizens Protection Of Post Experiment Divergents Facility. It was started after the war, which you guys all know about. There are still people who beleive Divergents are not safe. So it was made so if anyone was being followed by them, they could go there and be protected."

I try to process this. Why would anyone but Jeanine want to kill us?

"Anyone associated with them would go with them, so they are completely cut off." He finishes.

"So would that be, Uncle Zeke, Aunt Shauna, Shaylee, all you guys, Aunt Marlene, and everyone else we know ?"

Mom nods,"It might be hard, but I think we have to do it. This whole situation has gone to far, and it's been a matter of days."

Today marks the first day of the end of my childhood.

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