Chapter 36

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Over the past week, I've been in an out. The feeling of this stale-aired hospital room is depressing, everyone is always quiet and crying or something. The doctors and my parents, as much as I've heard, are transporting me back to Chicago. 

I long so much to be able to move my body, to not be helpless, but there hasn't been any good news. I want to jump up and hug my parents and hold them but I can't. 

It is also hard, because today is my birthday. It's been a year since the chaos of my life started, since I received these powers. As amazing as my last birthday was, this one is hell. 

The doctors also said I lost some memory, which explains a lot. There is a guy named Blake, who is apparently my boyfriend. I guess he must be divergent, because I don't have much memory of him. Mom and Dad apparently also have two more kids, twins. Ellie and Ashley or Ashlen. 

It's all a lot to comprehend, really the last thing I remember is arriving in the divergent safe house. 

Blake startles me, "Hey Nat." 

I'm smiling, sure not in real life, but at least in my head. His voice is soothing, and every time his hands touch mine it sends sparks through me. It's easier to understand why I'm dating him now. 

"I really hope you can hear me," 

My heart races at the sound of his voice, which you can hear on the heart monitor. 

He laughs, "So you can hear me? Well, I hope you can try and wake up soon. It's getting boring, being in Florida without your crazy attitude. We'll be flying back to Chicago in a little bit, and your mom said I could stay by you. Look, I'm really not sure if you actually hear me, but I love you, Natalie Rose. I don't know why people try to hurt or target you, but I really hope you will come back to me." 

It physically hurts my heart to hear him in pain. Tears might be pouring from my eyes if I was able to move. He really does love me. 

Knowing it will be a long day, conscious or not, I let myself drift off to a dreamless sleep. 


Six freaking months later

They started finding alternative ways for me to learn, so I don't wake up and end up a year behind in school. They used technology from the modern televisions to project audio and images into my head. I don't have a choice whether or not to watch them, which means I can't skip health class. 

They've also done a surgery, that brought back those ten months of memory I was missing. I remember Blake now, and the twins. I've been caught up on memory. 

Blake comes in every weekend to check up on me. He's also been helping Mom with housework and, Ash and Ellie, since I can't. 

"Can you load up Natalie's next class?" Someone shouts. 

I have seven classes a day, and they give one an hour. I don't have to do them on weekends, of course. They only last thirty minutes a piece. 

"I got it!" Blake yells back. 

The machine let's out a familiar click, and my health teacher loads onto the screen. 

"Today, we will be watching a video of a c-section." 



Blake's POV

"Can you load Natalie's next class?" Tris shouts. 

"I got it!" I answer. 

My finger jams in the button on the side of her machines, and the scanner faintly buzzes. 

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