Chapter 50

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I hurriedly toss the last outfit in my duffel, along with another pair of sandals. There's only thirty minutes until Blake picks me up, and we're all heading to the airport to go to the Bahamas! 

Shai said that her Uncle left Chicago days after the experiment failed, and found himself travelling everywhere. He settled in the Bahamas, after earning some big money, and lives in a huge house. Now, all ten of us are getting ready to fly out, and I'm beyond elated. 

"Do you have your shampoo and conditioner?" Mom asks, sitting on my bed with Carter. 

I hold up a smaller bag, "All in here Mom." 

She smiles, "It was so hard keeping that from you, us parents had a fun time planning." 

"I'm surprised Dad is letting me go, after the last vacation." I mumble, pulling up the zipper. 

She smirks, "That took some convincing, but Eric is long gone." 

"For now." I joke, rolling my eyes. 

Mom helps me back a bag of snacks, just some drinks, chips and a few sweets, for the long flight there. It's five hours, no stops. My eyes drift past the time again, still twenty minutes un-brring

My phone rings, scaring the living daylights out of me, "Hello?" 

"It's Blake, they are taking off a little early, so I'm picking you up now." 

I breath out, "Alright, I'll be outside in a minute," And hang up. 

"I'm leaving early, bye guys!" I call out, swinging my carry on and toiletries over one shoulder, and the duffel over another. 

"Be safe Natalie Rose, I love you!" Dad shout from his office. 

"Love you too!" 

I run out of the door after a quick goodbye to Ashlen, Eliza and Carter. Blake is just pulling in, so I swing open his back door. "Hurry up loser." He taunts. 

I roll my eyes, slamming the door shut with my bags inside, "Shut up asshole." 

"It's only ten minutes earlier, but we have to get through security," He explains, gunning it off of our street. 

"Are we flying out from O' hare?" 

"No, it's a private airport." He answers. 

I take a deep breath, not realizing how fast I had gone. We make it to the small airport, although it's still a fairly large area, and Blake grabs one of my bags since I have more than him. Cameron and Nadia arrive right after we enter the doors, and run to catch up with us. 

"Where are the other's?" She asks, panting. 

I shrug, "Probably on the plane or on their way."

We bring our things through the luggage check in, and after that all I have is the bag of snacks and little things to do while we are flying. Cameron ends up ahead of us three, rushing over to security. Being a private airport, there's only one lane, and one security officer in sight. There are only six or so others in front of us, so the wait isn't too long. 

I lean against Blake as we wait, a bit exhausted from the rush. Nadia leans on my shoulder, being herself, and groans, "I don't have the time or patience to wait! I just want to be on a beach!" 

I laugh, standing straight again, "You are just like Aunt Christina, it's scary." 

She darts back and crosses her arms, glaring with the fury of hell, "No I'm not! Mom is old, and she doesn't even know how to use a phone!" 

I snort, "She's only, what, thirty-five? That's not old at all, and as for phones, these have only been back for a few years, it takes time to adjust." 

She groans, furrowing her eyebrows just like Aunt Chris, "Whatever."

Before she can finish her complaint, the security guard motions me forward. I take off my shoes, and set them in the grey bin with my carry on. "Step forward, listen to the instructions." He orders, waving me further. 

I step into the machine, which whirs around me. Stay still. There is no choice but to obey the computerized voice, so my body stays rigid. It isn't a hard task, considering how completely depleted of energy I am. 

Turn, I rub my eyes, and turn so my other side is scanned. 

"Alright, all clear." The security guard nods, so I walk over to the other side of the bins where my things are waiting. While I sling the bag back over my shoulder, and slip on my shoes, Blake walks through the detector. As is the same for Cameron and Nadia, they are all clear. 

When we find our way to the waiting area, everyone but Jennifer is watching for our arrival. 

"Finally! We've been waiting ages!" Shailene exclaims, running over to me. 

I scoff, "Oh please, there is still ten minutes until we load on the plane, don't exaggerate."

She scrunches up her nose, "Somebodies cranky."

"She's always like that when she's tired, it makes her bitchy and agitated." Blake snickers, then narrowly misses my flying hand approaching his face. 

I growl, "You're lucky you are my boyfriend, loser."

We sit by the others, who are just about as tired and sleep deprived as I am. The ten minutes go by painfully slow, each second seeming to drag on. I've been zoned out at nothing in particular, when Blake nudges my elbow, "Almost time to go, come on!" 

I rub my eyes again, and grab my bag. The outfit I threw on this morning is anything but attractive, fleece pajama pants and a tank top, but it's comfortable. We're traveling, it isn't like there will be a surprise runway show. 

We shuffle in somewhat of a line, getting our tickets checked as we walk into the weird tube, which leads us to the actual plane. It's small, but designed so it looks spacious. There are still rows, but everybody gets an armrest, and there is a good amount of foot room in front of each. A small screen is embedded in the backs of each headrest, presumably for watching movies and videos. 

Blake and I sit to the right side, I myself preferring the window seat, so he takes the edge. Shailene and Jennifer are across from us, Cameron and Nadia in front, Samantha and Rebekah beside them, and Mark and Shaylee behind Blake and I. 

After getting situated, and the dreadful, repetitive explanation of how to buckle yourself in, I lean my head back against the seat, "This better go by quickly, I'm too impatient to be conscious for the whole five hours."

Blake laughs, pulling my so my head rests against his shoulder. I cuddle with a blanket, the warmth making me even more tired. 

"Goodnight Nat."

"Night Blake."

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