Chapter 29

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"Come on Natalie, Everyone is waiting for us!" Blake says, pulling my arm. 

Shailene, one of my normal friends, just moved to the Abnegation sector, and she is setting up a home theater for us. Nadia is bringing her new boyfriend, which I'm excited about, and Shailene already has her boyfriend, Theo, there. Blake and I took the train, and I may or may not have told my guard. 

I jog a little faster, as we get closer to her house. All of the homes looks a little different now, and Shailene's family painted theirs a dark blue. She told us that she set up a big white sheet, has some lawn chairs, and she was making snacks. One of my other friends, Jenny, is also coming with her boyfriend, Josh. We didn't want too many people there. 

I grab Blake's hand, caught up, and we walk up to Shai's house. I ring her doorbell, and I hear a scream and feet stomping. Blake looks at me, confused, and the door swings open. Shailene and Jenny both scream, pulling me into a hug. 

I laugh, almost losing my balance, and hug them back. It has been a while since we have all have seen each other, except for passing one another in the school halls. They had no idea what was going on when I was brought to the safe house, and I don't even thing they know about my powers yet. We have just been texting for a few weeks. 

"I missed you so much Nat!" Jenny exclaims, pushing me back. 

I smile giddily, "It's been too long! I have so much to tell you guys!" 

Shailene narrows her eyes, peering at Blake, "So this is the new boyfriend, eh? I think he looks pretty good." 

Blake freezes for a second, probably still confused. 

I roll my eyes, "He's mine, not yours, remove your eyes!" 

Shai laughs, and gives me another hug, before we all walk out to her backyard. There is a large white sheet, strung up between two oak trees. There are eight lawn chairs laid out, surrounding it, and a projector sits on an old metal table behind the chairs. There are blankets and pillows thrown on each seat. Theo and Josh are sitting down, talking, and Nadia is sitting on a chair with her, I'm guessing, new boyfriend next to her. 

"Nadia!" I call out, grabbing her attention. 

She squeals, and pushes her boy off the chair, before tackling me in a hug. I scream, landing on the hard ground. Nadia giggles, and helps me up, "Sorry Nat, I know I saw you yesterday at dinner, I just love you." 

"Aw, thanks babe!" I respond, giving her a hug. 

Her boyfriend walks over, and might I say, he is handsome. Of course, not as good-looking as mine, but good enough for Nadia. He is tall, with tan, olive skin, and tousled brown hair. His eyes are so brown it looks like he doesn't have an iris. 

"Oh, look here! What's your name?" I ask, smiling. 

He chuckles, "I'm Cameron, nice to meet you." 

I shake his hand, and nod, "You'll do." 

He stares at me with a complete 'WTF' expression, but I ignore it, and run over to the front middle chair. Blake follows close behind, and sits on my left side. 

"Come, children, I have a nice story to tell you." I yell to the others, who quickly scramble over to me. 

Nadia grins, "Do they not know yet?" 

I nod, "Nope, but they are about to find out." 

"What are you event talking about?" Shai interjects, plopping down in front of my chair. 

I tap my chin, thinking of how to tell the story, "Well, didn't you wonder wear I went for so long?" 

They both nod. 

I smile, excited for their reactions, "Well, when I turned 13, I got powers, got shot multiple times, a few people tried to kill me, and I was put in an underground safe house for protection. Then, I accidentally set the whole place on fire when Jeanine Matthews tried to kill me, so I killed her, and had to come back." I make it short and sweet, smiling through all of it. 

Neither of them bought it. 

Jen starts to laugh, "That was so ridiculous, did your dad just get an out of town job or something?" 

I shake my head, giggling, "Nope, that all happened in real life. Do you want proof?" 

Shailene shakes her head, "That is suck B.S., superpowers aren't real." 

Just for a scare, I light my hair on fire, and they both scream and jump up. I laugh, still smiling. My eyes must be red right now too, lately, when I use my powers, my eyes, hairs and nails change color depending on what I am using. 

I extinguish it, and they slowly come forward. The guys all ran to a corner, I knew they would be scared. "W-Was that real?" Shai squeaks, waving her hand over my steaming head. 

I nod, "I can control the elements, trippy, right?" 

Jenny slowly steps closer, "What else can you do? I mean, er, could you show us?" 

"Of course, give me a little space." 

I stand up from my chair, and move over to the side, where there is more room. First, I throw a snowball at, well, everyone, and I get some laughs. Then, I toss my hand out to throw vines on Blake, and pull him towards me. He laughs, and burns them off himelf. 

"Wait, your boyfriend has powers too?" Shai screeches. 

I laugh, my head in my hands, "Where do you think I met him?" 

Her mouth forms and 'O', and she shakes her head. 

"Anyways, the last one is wind," I hold out my hand, and a small tornado spins over towards the girls, "And that's it. All the elements." 

All of their jaws are dropped, as if they just witnessed something impossible. Oh...wait. 

"Wait, so is that what 'divergents' are?" Jenny asks, making air quotes. 

I shrug, "I don't think they started out like that, but we evolved to have powers, yes." 

It seems like the weird circumstances has finally set into their minds. 

"Okay, enough about me, let's just go watch the movie." I announce, walking back over to my chair. 

"Um, Nat, it isn't dark yet, we have to wait another hour." Jenny mumbles. 

I face-palm, "Oh, duh, let's go eat something." 

We all walk inside, and Shailene's Mom has set out more than enough food for eight teenagers.  I immediately dig in, grabbing some Dauntless cake, chips, cheese, crackers and salami. 

The eight of us sit inside, where there isn't a constant breeze to knock our plates over. Within minutes, almost all of the snacks that are set out are gone, devoured by hungry teens.  We leave a bag of chips and the popcorn alone, for during the movie, and we still have more than enough drinks. 

"It's starting to get a little darker outside, we can finish getting everything set up!" Nadia says, as we finish licking up our plates. 

I nod, and swallow what's in my mouth, "I call front seat! And Blake counts, since he is mine." 

I grab his hand, and run out, jumping into the front, middle seat. Blake sits next to me, laughing. There is a rush as the others run out to claim their seats. I laugh, as I see Shailene trip Shai, and pull Theo with her to the seats beside me. 

Jenny scrambles up, wipes the dirt off of her face, and looks at us, "Damn it Shailene Woodsen! I'll get you back!" 

Shai sticks out her tongue, and then smiles. Sometime I forget how much more immature my friends are than I am. I push my pillow behind me back, and pull the blanket over me as the wind blows a little harder. 

"What are we watching?" I ask, looking as Shai's mom sets up the projector. 

"It's some old movie, called Cars. It is like, a kids movie, but I don't care." Shai says, laughing a little. 

It gets darker by the second, and soon, I am watching a cheesy toddler movie with my favorite friends in the world. Life has gotten so much better in a matter of weeks. 

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