Chapter 26

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I place the tiny, thin glove on her hand. "Are you ready to go Mom?" I ask, watching her stand up carefully from the bed. 

"Are we ever ready for anything?" She mutters, followed by a quick, "Yeah, I am." 

Our little enigma's have defied logic, even for us. I was unique to have all of these powers, and now Ashlen and Eliza not only have all the powers, but they are infants with powers. Of course, we immediately notified the DPA, and they have specially made gloves, so they wouldn't just randomly use powers without control. 

Mom has a bag, and Dad and I hold the little ones, and we finally walk out. Eliza has already fallen asleep in my arms, and I make sure to walk steadily, letting her lay in peace. 

"You did finish the nurseries, right Tobias?" Mom asks, looking over to Dad. 

"Of course, no help from anyone but Blake." I laugh a little, not really feeling bad. 

I was taking care of Mom anyways. "Eliza is next me! She is more peaceful." I decide, touching her soft face. 

"Oh wow, already picking favorites." Dad scoffs, acting upset. 

"I just want the quiet girlie to sleep next to me! There is no favorites with that!" I exclaim. 

Eliza shifts a little, and I remember to not be so loud. "Whatever Natalie, I just happen to love all three of my daughters equally." 

I roll my eyes, and speed ahead of Mom and Dad. I get to our apartment and can't even see them in sight, so I unlock the door and go into the baby-proofed...everything. 

As we approach the attached bedrooms, I almost scream at what I see. Blake is laying in the middle of the nursery, sleeping, with a stuffed bunny on his face. I bite my lip to keep from bursting out in laughter, and gently lay Eliza in her crib. She squirms a little, but stays asleep. 

Then, comes the problem of my idiot boyfriend laying in the middle of the room. I figure he probably was going to surprise us, since he was looking after everything, but fell asleep. I lean over him, and shake is shoulder, "Hey, why are you sleeping in the middle of the floor?" I whisper. 

He shakes his head, slowly coming to reality, "Wait, what?" 

I grin, and pull him up by his arm. He is startled at the sudden movement, but quickly goes back to his 'half dead zombie hibernating' face. 

"Let's go to the living room, Eliza is sleeping." I whisper, pushing him away. 

He just goes where I lead him, finally awake(sort of) now. He sits on the couch, "So, what did they get them for... you know." 

I sit next to him, "They made these paper thin gloves that are made of a blocking material, sort of. It just keeps them from randomly using powers." 

He lets out a sigh of relief, "I thought I would have to change them and get randomly burned or something." 

I roll my eyes, "Who says you would change the girls?"

He shrugs, "I figured I would watch them from time to time, if you guys are out or something." 

His words put a grin on my face, Blake is so caring and kind, even if he doesn't need to be. "Well we will see about that. It would be nice to always have someone available." 

He chuckles, "Not 100% of the time, I do have school and homework stuff to do as well." 

I roll my eyes, "You can't back out now!" 

Blake smiles, "Obviously babysitting is above my learning responsibilities."

"Yup." I pop the 'p'. 

He shakes his head, but I know he loves the way I act. He loves being around me too much to get annoyed. 


"Brutus! Natalie! Tobias! Grab the girls, it's time for breakfast!" Mom yells from the kitchen. 

I had been laying in my bed, staring at my phone until she yelled. I can't believe it's been a week since the twins were born and she still keeps making us breakfast. As usual, I throw off my warm blanket and run to help Mom bring out the plates. 

I keep forgetting that there is an extra plate for the guard, Brutus, which makes it harder to bring out food. I grab three of the plates, leaving Mom with one and a gallon of milk for us to drink. I slip the plates in our spots, and plop down in my chair. Dad sits next to me, which  I didn't agree on, and Ashlen is laying in a rocker next to me. 

Mom grab Eliza, holding a bottle of her milk. 

"So, how is school." Dad asks. 

"Fine. Blake and I have a project in Language Arts to catch up on." I mumble, trying to focus more on my food. 

"That's great, are your classes as hard as your middle school ones?" He asks, trying to start a conversation. 

"It's literally the same." 

I honestly don't care what he has to say, I don't want to talk to him. Last night, we got into an argument, and I knew he almost hit me. He even raised his hand, but Mom yelled at him. That just reinstated the images that kept coming back in my dreams.

"Hey, Mom, can I go over to Blake's house for Candor or Dauntless tonight?" I ask. 

"Who all will be there?" She asks, as she pulls Eliza to her shoulder to burp. 

"Just the usual, Nadia, Mark, Rebekah, some school friends." 

"Sure, be back by curfew." Dad intervenes. 

The question was not directed at him, he has no reason for input. 

I decide to eat my last piece of bacon, and run to my room. Everybody probably assumed I was getting ready for school, but I just wanted to escape the situation before I got angry again. 

It still being hot outside, I put on ripped black shorts and a tight crop top with a jacket. I do the makeup Mom taught me, foundation, blush, mascara and deep red lipstick. My hair gets pulls back into a high ponytail. 

I look in my mirror, satisfied with how much older I look. Without talking to anyone, my bag is swung on my shoulder and I've left the compound. 

My feet move quickly, racing forward to get to the train on time. 

"Natalie, wait up!" I hear Blake yell behind me. 

I slow down a bit, letting him catch up. "Hey babe, what's up?" I try to sound as casual as I can. 

"Something wrong?" Of course he immediately noticed I was pissed off. 

"I'm fine, just tired of people in general." I huff, making it seem like a trivial matter. 

"Are you sure that's it." 

"And I'm on my period." 

"NO FURTHER QUESTIONS!" He yells, stepping away. 

I laugh, knowing that would stop his interrogation. 

The train tracks begin to rattle, signaling the forever running train. 

I put the other shoulder of my bag on, and start running. I am close enough to the tracks, and it starts running beside me as my body goes parallel. With an easy jump, and a little bit of a helpful push of wind, I get on, walking inside with ease. 

These little moments make me glad. They make me glad that I didn't have to suffer in a trapping society, but also happy that I get to live in a place like Chicago. Most importantly, I am glad I get to live life like Dauntless. 

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