Chapter 10

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I rub my eyes and stretch, waking up from anything but beauty sleep. I remember having nightmares, but I already forgot what they were.

I push off my blanket, yawning. "Nat! Get dressed! Dinner in the cafeteria!" Mom yells from her room. "Be there in a minute!" I yell back.

I pull out the first decent outfit I find, black skinny jeans and a dark red crop top. I quickly brush my teeth to get rid of morning breath, and pull my hair up into a ponytail.

"Ready?" Mom asks. I nod, and we walk towards the door. Dad puts his hand on my shoulder, stopping me,"What are you wearing?"

I shrug,"Clothes. Why?" He crosses his arms, and plays the overprotective Dad card,"That is showing way to much skin."

"Tobias. She is a young woman. Get over it." Mom says. I laugh,"Sorry! I'm with mom on this one."

He runs into my room, and throws me a leather jacket. "At least cover up."  I roll my eyes,"Fine. Whatever you want."

He gives me the watch what you say look. I'm sure everyone knows what that is. Mom and I walk out as Dad locks the door.

"You know your father is just looking out for you, but I never would've imagined in a million years he would be the man he is now." She says to me.

"Ew. Emotion and love." I joke,"Besides, how could he ever not be a complete goof."

Mom raises an eyebrow,"You know, there was a time when your father was feared by everyone in Dauntless."

"That can't be right. The scariest thing he has ever done is be the most overprotective Dad in the world."

She laughs,"You know he through a knife at my head once? No, 3 knives  actually."

"That can't be true." I say, questioning everything. She nods,"I think I helped him loosen up, but he never really turned into who he is until you were born."

I smile,"So I broke him out of his shell." She smiles and nods,"And man it was tough."

We walk through the cafe entrance, and to the line. I grab a bottle of Apple juice, bacon, and French toast. Mom gets the weirdest combination of food ever, eggs covered in syrup, potato hash, pickles, bacon and coke. Remind me, who drinks coke with breakfast?

"Hungry are you?" I ask, looking at the monstrosity on her plate. "Aren't I always?"

I laugh,"Good point." Dad comes to sit with us, only having some coffee and a French toast. "Sleep well?" He asks. I shrug,"I guess. What about you?"

He slumps his shoulders down and pouts his lip out,"I guess." I laugh,"Imitating me I assume."

"Got it!"

I start eating my food, occasionally butting in on Mom and Dads conversation. Today I want to go to the gym. Maybe I'll have Mark come with me.

I finish my food, and toss away my tray. "Where are you going in a such a hurry?" Mom says, catching my arm as I pass her.

"I wanted to go to the gym. I was going to find Mark so we can go. I might have to change first though."

"None of that 'sports bra' stuff though. It shows too much." I start running to Marks table,"Too late! I can't hear youuu!" I tell him. Dad rolls his eyes.

I jump into the seat beside Nadia, making her freak out,"YOU DON'T SNEAK UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT!" I laugh,"But it's fun though."

The others laugh, but Nadia gives me the look of death. "So Mark? And anyone who is up for it, who wants to go to the gym with me?" I offer.

"I'm in!" Mark says. "I'll go. Shaylee adds in.

"Great! Meet me at ten, ok?" They both nod. I jog home, while Mom and Dad are still eating. I have fifteen minutes, so I get a quick shower, then change into a sports bra, tank top, and spandex shorts. I put on these shoes, Mom said they were from a long time ago, called Nike.

I have a few minutes, so I brush my teeth, grab a bag with extra clothes and my phone, and head to the gym.

I get there first, so I get a little locker this time, for our things. I put my bag and phone in and wait for the others. Mark and Shay arrive at the same time. "Put your stuff in and we can start." I say, ready.

We spend the whole morning competing, seeing who can run the fastest, or do more push ups, or lift more weight, really anything you can think of.

"I am so tired." Mark says, once the clock hits 1. "3 hours will do that to you."

"Lets change and head to lunch." Shay insists. "We might want to change, I smell like a pig." I joke, fanning myself. We find the changing rooms, and I pull out the clothes from my gym bag, the same as this morning since I didn't wear it very long.

I rinse out my hair in the sink, it being kind of sweat covered, and put it in a ponytail again. Shaylee does the same. We walk out, seeing Mark tap his door impatiently,"Why do girls take so long?" He remarks.

"Duh, Why do you think we look better than you." I say with a wink. He rolls his eyes,"Sure. Whatever you think."

I laugh, slinging my arm around him,"Love ya cuz!" He tosses it off,"Ew. No touching."
"How old are you again Mark? Do we have cooties?" Shay says with a grin. He grins,"Totally."

We walk to the cafeteria, at the beginning of what I didn't know was to be a very eventful day.

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