Chapter 18

17 1 0

Writing on this as my phone is on 46 percent lol

I put on some black acid wash shorts, a black crop top, and black sandals. My hair is pulled into a ponytail.

Why, you may ask? Today, Mom and I are working in the gardens. Although we have people who can grow things from thin air, they try to keep it all natural.

They are letting us work there to get extra credits, for the rare times we go out, and when we get to leave this place. I slip my phone in a small bag of belongings, and my credits card.

"Mom! Are you ready?" I yell across the apartment, already unlocking the front door.

"Yes! Be right there!"

She runs out of their room in a tight black t-shirt that shows off her baby bump, and black denim shorts. She has on black flip-flops.

"Lets go!" I push her out the door, locking it behind me. I work my way through the maze of halls, and we go to the greenhouse, which is just high enough above ground to nourish the plants without being noticable. 

I get to the front, and grab a hat, gloves, and a set of tools. Mom does the same, and we go look for the head gardener.

"Hey Mrs.Harper! What will you need us to do?" I ask, very excited.

"Hello Natalie and Tris! I would like you two to dig up the dying tomato plants, we are moving new ones to a new location with more sun." She points out where the dead ones are, and where to move them.

I grab a bag of soil, and some fertilizer, and change the dirt out in the new location. I decide this might be worthy of a little bit oc powers, so I take out the whole chunk, and hold it above my head as I pour in the new soil and mix in the fertilizer.

I bring the old soil to a wheelbarrow, and somebody rolls it outside and tosses it. I go over to check on Mom, seeing she has only gotten 3 plants up.

"Something wrong?" I ask, plopping down beside her.
She looks up, and grins,"I can feel the babies kicking."

I am giddy with joy,"Really! Where?"

She places my hand low on her stomach, and I feel the little bum bum of little feet.

"That's so adorable!"

"Yes it is, but we need to the rest of these out." She says, grabbing her trowel. 

I grab my own, and dig out one of the larger ones, and put it in the pile she has made.

When we finish, she comes over to help me get the dirt ready all the way. I tap my chin, smirking.

"Hey Mom?" I catch her attention.

"What's up sweetie?" She asks, still working.

"Does the soil look mixed all the way to you?" I shove her face in the dirt, laughing like a maniac.

She comes up, red faced,"Oh you wanna play that game?"

She grabs a handful of worm droppings, meant for the soil and tries to throw them at me.
Fortunately, I am much faster than her, and duck low to avoid it, letting them go flying past me.
"Ehem?" I hear it from behind me.

Mrs. Harper stands there tapping her foot. She suddenly lights up, and throws a few handfuls of dirt at us.

I laugh, brushing it off, and then form atleast 5 pounds of dirt to throw at her.

It splatters all over her, and I laugh like a maniac. I see the evil in her eyes as she grabs a wheelbarrow full of dirt and goes to toss it at us, but I remember to put up a wind shield, making it splatter all around us.

I started giggling insanely again, so hard my side hurts. It had turned into a gardening war, everybody is tossing dirt, worm poop, even water, I am assuming from divergents.

I duck behind a tall plant, tossing out giant balls of dirt. I can hear each time someone is hit, because there is a yell and a laugh.

I get pushed out from behind the plant, and ambushed, covered from head to toe in random substances.

I get a little mad, and throw a snowball at the guy who threw the most at me.

"ONLY DIRT!" He says, returning the favor with a giant dump of soil on my head.

Somebody yells from the back,"EVERYBODY STOP!  I say we truce it for now, hose each other off, and fix this tommorow!"

There are nutters of agreement.
"Ok a truce! On the count of 3! One, two...three!"

At 3 I cause a shower of dirt on everyone, making them laugh.

I get mom and spray water from my hand, as it amuses me. "Be gentle!" She says, holding her stomach."

I hose her off, then myself, and we dry each other off. We still have some muddy dirt on us, but we can shower when we get back.

"Girls?" Mrs. Harper taps my shoulder.

"What's up Mrs. Harper?" I ask, spinning on my heel.

"I just wanted to say, you made today the most fun it has ever been. Can I see your Credits Cards?"

I grab my bag, and pull it out. She scans it, and I see my phone light up to tell me the addition . 

I read the screen,"Natalie Eaton. Additional 500 credits added to account."

I squeal,"Thank you so much!"
She gives me a hug, and gets Mom's card too.

"Thank you Mrs. Harper it is very appreciated!" She responds, before we head out.

"Wait till your father sees this!" Mom says, pulling me into a hug.

Things seem better than they ought to be, and I am happy for that.

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