Chapter 3

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I don't sleep easy that night. My thoughts are plagued with the ideas of what could happen to me. Eventually, after trying to sleep for a few hours, I head out to the living room.

I turn the TV on low volume and put on a movie. The blankets are pulled around me, making me into a human burrito.

"Can't sleep?" I hear from behind me. I glance back. Dad leans against the wall, looking tired. I stand up, stretching my arms,"Yah. It's been a long day."

He walks in the kitchen and grabs some sugar cookies. "Then it's cookie time." I laugh, unable to control my smile. He sits down where I was, and motions me to sit on his lap.

Even if I am 13 now, I'm small like Mom. I can still sit on my Dads lap. He wraps a blanket around us, as holds me close.

"You're still my little princess. I love you, Natalie Rose."

"I love you too Daddy." I snuggle close to his chest. No wonder Mom always hangs on him, he's so warm and is great at bear hugs.

He sits me up, handing me some cookies. "I want to put on this movie. You used to love it when we watched it as a baby. It's really old, but you always loved it."

I smile,"Sure. Maybe I'll remember." He walks over to the movies, and shuffles through them until he pulls out a movie.

"It's a Disney movie, you remember that right?" He asks. I nod,"Those are my favorite. A nice escape from reality."

He comes back over, laying across the couch. I lay in front of him, near the edge. The movie starts with  familiar castle scene, already making me smile.

As soon as it starts, I recognize the movie. The Little Mermaid. "You used to pretend to swim like a mermaid. I would pick you up and move you around like we were in the ocean."

I laugh at the fond memory. "I really was always a Daddy's girl."

He smiles,"Yah... yah you were."

We watch it together, laughing and smiling. And soon fall asleep together.


I wake to a snap. My eyes shoot open to see Mom standing over us with a camera. I sit up quickly, remembering Dad and I fell asleep on the couch.

He rubs his eyes, sitting up beside me. "Morning princess. What time is it?" He asks groggily. "10." Mom says, walking into the hall.

His eyes widen,"I'm late for work!" Mom laughs,"You're fine. I called in for you." He relaxes.

"Do you want to go to Amity today? We can walk around the orchards and find that tree that you and Mom carved your names in." I suggest.

"I'd love that." Mom says. "Whatever you want darling." Dad replies. I stand up, stretching my arms as far as I can. "Can you make some toast and eggs?" I ask Mom.

She smiles,"Sure Nat. You guys go get ready."

I head to my room, looking through my clothes. Amity is normally very warm, so I put on black jean shorts and a black tank top. I grab my phone and walk back out to the kitchen.

Mom is setting our plates. I sit on the counter bar and she slides a plate in front of me.

"I already ate, so I have extra time. Do you want me to french braid your hair?" Mom offers.

"Sure." I answer, before stuffing my face with eggs. She laughs at my sloppiness.

Dad walks out from their room, changed into shorts and a tee. "Almost ready?" He asks, sitting by his plate.

I feel Mom tugging my hair into a braid. "Almost "

Once Mom finishes, she grabs her bag, and puts some water bottles and snacks in it. "If we leave now we can make it to the trains." Dad says, glancing at his watch.

I haven't been on the trains in a while but I've been jumping on them for years. We head out of the dark compound, being greeted by the bright light out side.

As we near the tracks, I can hear the rumble of the wheels against metal. "Ready?" Dad asks, as the train nears us.

"Always." I respond. The wind off the train blows my braid around like a whip. Mom starts running first, jumping on with ease.

I follow her. I run alongside the train, changing my speed to match. I grab the handle on the side and jump. I slip my feet in, my body following. I stand at the she for a second, then Mom pulls me the rest of the way in. Dad comes after me.

We all lay on the wall of the train, by the door. "I love living like a Dauntless." I say, smiling. Mom puts an arm around me,"I always loved it."

Dad stands, glancing out the train. "You know the drill. 20 minutes till we get to the stop, and then I'll call Zeke to get us a car to the orchards." He explains. He always goes over it, even though we have gone dozens of times.

I lean my head back, letting the rumble of the train relax me. "You ok?" Mom asks.

"Yah. Just thinking." I reply. I stand up, pacing the train car.


As we pass Erudite, some other passengers jump on. It takes a second till I realize who it is.

"Aunt Chrissy! Uncle Will! Nadia!" I exclaim.

Nadia squeezes me in a hug. "What were you doing in Erudite?" Mom asks Aunt Christina. "Maybe or maybe not spray painting Jeanines old office." She says.

I laugh,"You should've invited me!"
"We tried, You weren't home!" She says.

Our conversation is cut short when Mom jumps out of the train.

"Sorry, I guess that's our stop. You wanna come? We are going to the orchards." I ask.

"Sorry Mom! I'm going!" Nadia says.

Dad jumps out, then me and Nadia. I stumble before landing on my feet.

"Let's go!" I say, as we jog towards the car, and Uncle Zeke. Hopefully, today will be normal.

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