Chapter 6

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I slowly come to my senses. I feel a plush bed around me. A blanket on my body. A needle in my arm. Something on my chest. 

My eyes open, looking around me to see a dimly lit room. There is an IV in my left arm, a bandage on my leg. It looks like a hospital room, but I know it's not. 

All the sudden it hits me like a tidal wave. I'm with Jeanine. I sit up quickly, resulting in a massive headache. I see someone step out from near a door, previously shadowed. 


I look at her with a expression of pure hatred. "Where. Am. I." 

She laughs,"And why should I tell you that?" 

"Because I WILL hurt you. And all your pathetic little minions." I insist, giving her a smirk. 

She raises an eyebrow,"Is that so? Well, I can tell you now you are being watched 24/7, and there is no way you will escape without getting caught."  

"We'll see about that." I mumble under my breath. She ignores my little comment, and walks out of the room. 

I know I can get out, It's just a matter of how. I look around the room, taking note of the cameras in each of the 4 corners.

Looking back at my arms, I see one is hooked to the bed with handcuffs. "Shit" I mutter under my breath.

I glance at the IV in my arm. Lord knows what she's putting in my body. I kick off the blankets, and carefully step off the bed.

Knowing I'm being watched, I act like I'm stretching. I see someone near the open door glance in.

"Hey dude!" I yell to him. He walks in, holding his gun to his chest.

"What." He says, in a very monotone voice.
"I'd like to change out of these bloody, dirty clothes, could you tell your security friends to turn away? And maybe get me some shorts and a tank top?"

He whispers into a walkie talkie.

"Well?" I ask, impatiently. He gives me a dirty look,"You have 2 minutes. Your clothes are in the closet." He takes off the handcuff, and shows me where the clothes are.

"Thanks." I mumble, as they close the door. I grin, knowing this is my opportunity. I change quickly, and grab the shoes they placed by my bed. Although it hurts to walk, I know I have to escape.

I shoot ice over the cameras, and over the whole door. "Times up!" I hear from outside. I see the door jiggle a little bit, and hurry up. I freeze the window, and break it.

"Hey! Open this door!" He yells. I glance down, realizing I'm in a two story building. There is a small wall off bushes at the bottom.

Now or never. As I jump down, I hear the door crash open behind me. I scream as the wound on my leg busts open, but power through the pain. I don't know where I am, but I will escape.

I run as fast as I can, hearing gunshots behind me. Don't think. Just run. I go as far and fast as I can. Into the woods.

The branches cut my face and twigs snip at my ankles. I run, run, don't stop, don't slow down.

Slowly, I lose energy. The sky dims. The sound of people behind me dies out. I find a small cave by a dried out river, and sit down. My chest heaves, my lungs working double time. 

Every time I hear a bunny or critter under the leaves, I flinch. It takes hours before realization sets in. I just escaped a crazy lady. I almost died. Seconds more and I'd've been shot.

And even nore time before I begin to cry. I'm somewhere in the woods, no phone, nobody with me, and I'm being hunted down by a crazy lady and her minions.

I sit, my head in my hands, sobbing. Within a matter of days, my life has gone to shit. I don't have any family to help me through it, all I can do is sit here and cry.

Eventually, I fall asleep. Wondering if I'll ever get home.


I wake up slowly, and extremely painfully. It takes a few minutes for me to remember what happened.

I get up carefully, realizing how hungry I am. I create a tall branch, using it as a walking stick. I can't see anybody but animals for miles.

I grunt, climbing up to the higher ground. I see the area where I ran from is, so I know not to go there. Then, I see something familiar. Amity orchards. Was I in Erudite?

No matter what, I head towards the orchards. Maybe, just maybe, I can try to get my life back on track.

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