Chapter 45

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I wake up early, not being able to sleep easily. For once, Blake isn't awake yet. Our entire family is glad to know that he's on summer break, especially at a time like this. I guess, I'll be going back to school in a month as well, which is weird to think of. 

He is snoring softly, dead asleep. Taking one from his own book, I lean down, kissing him softly. He stirs for a second, then laughs, opening one eye to look at me. I pull away and lay my head in the crook of his neck. He is still warm, so I cling on him. There's something inside that has made Blake my safety beacon. Whenever I'm with him, my mind tells me I'm safe, that no harm can come my way. 

"What are you thinking about?" He whispers, running a hand through my hair. 

"Just you." I respond, without a moments hesitation. 

He smirks arrogantly, "What, are you a stalker or something?" 

I gasp, hitting his chest, "Says the guy that kissed me awake! That was some Cinderella shit right there." 

Blake chuckles, "I know, that makes me Prince Charming doesn't it." 

"You are also a little weird, you know. You're like some alternate version of Prince Charming."

He snorts, "Yeah, and how is that?" 

I look up, raising an eyebrow, "Well first, you have supernatural abilities, nothing weird about that at all, "He rolls his eyes, "And you are more protective. Like, did you notice, you have slept in my room an have barely left my side at all these past two days, and my parents aren't concerned or anything?"

"I guess they just trust me," He stammers, "That's all." 

"Or they wouldn't mind having another baby in the house." 

"Natalie!" He laughs, shaking his head. 

I pull my body so my weight is on my elbow, and I'm facing Blake, "You're right, that will have to wait a while."

He rolls his eyes, setting a hand on my waist, "Yeah, my mom would actually kill me."

"So would my dad. Not kill me, kill you." I add. 

He shakes his head, "That's too true Natalie, too true." 

I sigh, "Yeah, but he isn't here... right now." 

Blake leans over, pressing his lips to mine. I gladly kiss back, giggling for a second. We fall flat, me on top of him, and I hold my hands on his neck. He kisses low on my neck, then trails kisses back to my mouth, making me sigh. 

"Uncle Uriah say no PDA!" Ashlen screeches, effectively making me scream like a banshee and fall over. 

"Ash why did you do that? And where is Uncle Uri?" I yell, covering my burning red cheeks. 

She giggles, jumping on the bed, "He do make up with Ellie dow stars." 

I sit up, patting down my hair, "Alright, well why don't you go down there, and I'll come in a minute." 

She nods, "Otay Nat!" and bounces off of the bed, running out of the room on rapid footsteps. 

"You're sisters are good at interrupting, aren't they?" Blake mumbles, standing. 

I laugh, "It's their one and only true talent!" 

Blake heads downstairs, while I change out of my clothes from yesterday into some shorts and a tee. It still hard, the aftermath of yesterday's events, but I'm trying to push it on the back burner so we can focus on taking care of the girls. 

I jog down the stairs, where the scent of, most likely Blake, cooking breakfast wafts through the air. 

"Eliza! Put that down! I thought you were done with eye shadow!" Uncle Uriah squeals from the living room. 

I run in, and immediately burst out laughing from the awkward sight in front of me. Uriah is stuck in one of the girls plastic chairs, which they created rock on to keep him on the ground. Eliza has smacked a combination of overdrawn lipstick, bright eye shadow, and an overload of blush onto his poor face. 

"Natalie! Help!" he yells, turning away from the eye shadow brush. 

I shake my head, "No way, you deserve everything you get." 

He gives me a pathetic look, which I avoid, and walk to the kitchen. Blake is frying some bacon, and has already made a neat stack of pancakes.

"Mm, food, way more interesting than my uncle stuck in a plastic chair." I joke, walking over to the plate of cooked bacon. 

"Mom's been teaching me some skills, she's an amazing cook." He explains, setting another layer of crispy bacon onto some paper towels, to get the grease off. 

I steal a piece, eating the meaty goodness. Bacon should be it's own category of food. Uncle Uri continues to endure torture as Eliza pulls out mascara, and tries to do his lashes. 

"No, you have to do it like this!" I exclaim, rushing over to help. Together, we give Uriah a fierce full lash and winged mascara. 

"Breakfast is ready, give him a break." Blake announces, setting the food on the table. 

The morning's been so amazing I almost forgot that my little brother was in the hospital. The girls crawl into their spots at the table, and Blake serves their food. I wave my hand, dissolving the rock that is keeping Uncle Uri held to the ground, and he stands up, the plastic chair still stuck on his butt. 

"Come here." I roll my eyes, standing behind him. 

For a grown adult, he is still an idiot. He grabs onto the counter, and I put one foot on his back to pull the chair off. Uncle Uriah falls forward, almost smacking his head on the granite. 

I ignore his struggle to get back to his seat, and plop down beside Eliza. My plate is piled with pancakes and bacon, which I joyously dig into. 

"Hungry?" Blake laughs, pouring some syrup on Ash's pancakes. 

I stop my myself, realizing this makes me look like a pig, "Sorry, I eat when I'm stressed. I'm going to get fat." 

Uncle Uriah laughs, "Natalie, you're my niece, so I have to tell you the truth. You may eat like me, but you look perfect. I don't want to hear you talking like that, it scares me." 

Hearing him so concerned is a change from his usual, joking self. "I'm sorry, I just don't want to eat too much, since I'm gaining weight easier now." 

"Nat, we can still go work out together. You look fine." Blake seems to almost scold me, immediately filling me with guilt. 

Before another word is said, my phone starts ringing. I glance at the caller ID, and immediately answer, "Dad! Is something wrong?" 

"Natalie, come here. Your little brother is out of the NICU, and he is ready to meet his family." 

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