Chapter 52(LAST CHAPTER)

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1 Year Later Time Skip... brought you by Theo James Sexiness

I walk back to my dorm, which I share with Shailene, holding my books against my chest. She ended her classes before me, even though I have less classes in general. The only 'elective' I have is power control, which is honestly ridiculous. 

Well, I have gotten shot like a dozen times in the past year, so maybe that's not an exaggeration. I turn a corner into our hall, spotting Kristen and Michael in their daily make out session. He isn't even allowed in here, asshole. 

I pull my key from my back pocket, shoving it in the stubborn lock. After a few moments, it snaps unlocked. I push open the door, to find Blake sitting on our couch, watching television. 

"Go back to your own dorm room, you ass!" I jokingly shout, then flop next to him on Lazy Susan, our worn out couches name. He chuckles at me, pulling his arms around my small frame. His lips gently touch my forehead. 

"Kisses don't make everything better! Well... except for today. I'm so insanely stressed, it isn't even funny." I groan, pulling back up to him. Blake grins, bringing my lips up to his ow. I never got over the taste of his lips. 


He pulls me up onto his lap, while never losing our lip lock. Our lips move together in motion, not daring to break away. He licks my bottom lip, wanting to deepen the kiss, which I allow. This man has been with me for six years, and I can't imagine being with anybody else like this. I hike myself higher onto his lap, but not fast enough before the door swings open. 

"Dorm inspection!" Mr. Ashworth yells, running into my room. 

He walks through, taking his sweet time, and making sure everything looks fine. He looks at us expectantly when he's done, but I'm just awkwardly sitting in Blake's lap. My cheeks are crimson, just wanting him to get out. 

"You're quarters are all good, just keep the PDA down a notch," He reports, with a creepy wink at the end. 

Once he walks out, I physically gag, pointing into my mouth. Blake turns my head to face him again, "Don't worry, I won't let our rapist campus security guard get near you."  

I laugh, "He cut into our time, however, so Shai will be here soon." 

Blake groans, and I hop off of his lap, "Go, babe. Shailene is gonna think we had sex in here or something." 

He sighs, walking out. Not two seconds later, Shai walks in screaming, "I hate college!" 

I snort, grabbing the books from her arms, "Just take a nap or whatever, it'll calm you down."

She slips down into the bottom bunk, closing her little curtains. I flip on the television, turning it to some old zombie movie. I grab my fleece blanket from the desk, and snuffle up on the couch. I might as well make the most out of what little free time I have before exams, which are over the next two weeks. I turn down the volume, as not to wake up an already cranky Shailene. 

A light knock hits my door, and I tip toe over to answer it. Blake stands in the doorway, a mischevious grin growing across his cheeks, "I forgot my wallet," 

I roll my eyes, grabbing it from the coffee table, "I know you just wanted an excuse to come back. I'll grab my jacket and bag and we can go over to your room, Shai is sleeping."

When I step out, Blake swings me into his arms like a child. I laugh, and hit his chest, "Put me down!" 

He shakes his head, laughing at my poor attempts to get out of his arms. We go into his room, and jump onto Blake's side. I adjust on the bed, sitting up with some pillows behind my back, and he sits right beside me. 

"Let's watch some movies, alright?" He asks, pulling out a device like what we had so long ago, a laptop. It's similar, but it's just a keyboard and a hologram screen. 

"Alright." I agree, laying my head against his shoulder. We spend the rest of the night not studying, not working, not worrying, but just being together and loving each other. 


I wake to Blake's lips on my own, the best alarm you could ever think of. 

"G'morning handsome." I mumble, staring into his gorgeous eyes. 

He grins, pulling me up off of the bed. 

"We have class, Blake. Where are we going?" I exclaim as he leads me out the door. 

"We're going to have breakfast, and classes were canceled anyways. There was a storm and half of the buildings had a power outage." He explains, leading me to the cafe. 

I sigh, grabbing his hand to catch up, "So, just breakfast?" 

He nods, then slows down to turn into the area where most students are packed. "Okay, I need some coffee first." I declare, making Blake grin, "I knew you would say that." 

I run off to the small coffee place, and order two white chocolate mocha's, and some muffins. We sit together on a couch near the common area. I take a sip of the drink, letting the warm liquid run down my throat, "Delicious, as always." 

Blake grabs both of the muffins, and takes a bite of one. "Can I have my muf-" Before I can finish speaking, he attempts to throw the other muffin in my face. 

I squeal, dodging it slightly, but still getting crumbs all over my hair. "Really Blake?" I yell, punching him in the arm. 

He laughs, and attempts to run away and escape a punishment. I stomp my foot, erupting ice on the floor, which makes Blake slip and fall. I laugh, walking over to him, "No regrets!" 

"Sorry, I guess." He chuckles, standing up. I make him get another muffin before we sit back down. 

Before I can bite into the sweet treat, an intercom that is rarely used turns on, "Natalie Prior, please report to the dorm office to be collected by the police." 

Everything stops, and there is a sudden ringing in my ears. "Natalie, it's okay. I'm coming with you." Blake reassures, hugging me tightly. 

I nod stiffly, and grab my drink so we can walk together. 

I'm not quite conscious of my actions, my legs just move in the familiar pattern that they always do. We both turn to the door, and I'm tightly grasping Blake's hand, "It'll be okay, right?" 

Blake nods, kissing my head to provide some sort of comfort. The two of us walk in hand in hand, greeted by two officers with stiff, almost saddened facial expressions. 

"Miss. Natalie Eaton, correct?" One of them, with a badge that reads, 'Rodgers', asks. 

I nod, biting my lip. "I'm afraid we have some unfortunate news." He begins. 

Out of instinct, I try to remain strong for the time being. "Your parents, and sibling have all been kidnapped." 

I breath in sharply, terrified, "W-what?" 

"And your father and sisters bodies have already been found." 


Be looking out for the sequel book (which will be much smaller, maybe fifteen or twenty chapters) 

Okay cool

Have fun with that information

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