Chapter 43

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We head back inside, trying to avoid the glare from Dad. Mom look at me, then at Blake, then back to me while wiggling her eyebrows. 

"You're so immature!" I mouth towards her. 

"What's for lunch Tris?" Blake asks, leaning on the counter. 

"Just some chicken, baked mac and cheese, and corn on the cob. I'll take out the Dauntless cake with some ice cream for desert." She explains, checking on the food in the oven. It let's out a delicious aroma that fills the kitchen. 

We talk to Mom for a few minutes, before Blake suggests we head upstairs. The two of us lay on my bed, and turn on the television to some old movies from at least a century ago. It's some romantic comedy, about a girl who's memory resets every day, and a guy who keeps meeting her in different ways. 

"I wish I was as pretty as her." I sigh, sitting up against the headboard. 

Blake laughs, "That's really funny Nat." 

I look at him, raising an eyebrow, "What's that supposed to mean?" 

He peers at me, "You weren't kidding?" 

My head bobs side to side, and he laughs again. 

He shakes his head, pulling me closer, "Don't deny it, Natalie Rose. You are the most kind, selfless, brave, beautiful, smart  and honest girl I know. Don't you ever  think otherwise, you hear me?" 

My cheeks flush into a deep crimson, "Damn it Blake, every time you say something I love you more and more." 

Blake puts his arms around me, "Yeah, yeah, I love you too Nat." 

I laugh, looking up. His eyes seem to catch mine, and I'm not sure I even thought about it before pressing my lips to his. Blake's hands rest on my waist, my arms up around his neck. He kisses me deeper, and I sigh into his lips. 

Suddenly, there is a little gasp from behind me. "I gonna tell Daddy!" Ashlen squeals. 

I groan, jumping up from the bed. "Ashlen get your little butt over here!" I whisper harshly, gathering her tiny body in my arms, "If I give you some chocolate and a soda, and you have it in my room, will you keep this between you and me?" 

She giggles, "Otay Nat!" 

I sigh in relief, and grab a drink from the mini fridge, and some chocolate from my drawer. She grabs it greedily and plops down on my floor. 

"Three year old toddlers are a pain!" I groan, flopping onto the bed. 

Ashlen tears open the chocolate and shoves it in her mouth. We lay down together again, continuing the movie. My head is against Blake's chest, right where I can hear his heart. The relaxing moment doesn't last for very long, on account of a shrill screams that echoes from downstairs. 

I waist no time jumping on my feet, and darting down the steps. Dad beats me to Mom, where she is hunched over, clutching her stomach, "It's the baby... he's coming!" 

"Get down here!" I shout up the stairs, while grabbing Mom's hand. 

"Natalie, I'll bring her to the car, you go get the twins!" Dad orders, swinging Mom up into his arms. 

I race up the stairs, where Blake is ushering the girls out of their room. He quickly wipes off Ashlen's mouth, and she climbs into his arms. I pick up Eliza, "Baby brother is about to be born!" 

She smiles, and pumps her arms in the air. We all run out to the car, all that we have with us is the hospital bag and our phones. Blake and I get the girls in their car seats, then climb into the very back as Dad drives to the closest hospital. In Abnegation, the closest is about a mile away from the homes. At this moment, I think everyone is grateful that they allow everybody to own a car. 

It takes virtually no time to get there, thanks to my fathers reckless driving. He pulls in as close as he can to the entrance, and darts out of the car. Mom is gritting her teeth in pain, but isn't screaming anymore. They run in as we get the girls out of their seats. 

"Wittle buther?" Ashlen asks, hopping out of the van. 

I nod, "Yeah! You are going to be a big sister!" 

She smiles cheekily, just like her sister. Blake takes Eliza in, while I take Ashlen. When we get to the waiting room, Dad isn't anywhere to be seen. That means he is back with Mom, where ever they took her. 

"Now Ashlen, we have to be quiet, alright?" I whisper, sitting her down between Blake and I. 

"I be kite." 

"Close enough." 

Ellie and Ash share a seat, laying against one another. We both put an arm over the girls in a protective manner. I lean my head back against the wall, trying to relax. My muscles are insanely tense from all of that quick movement, especially after all of the craziness that has gone on today. 

"You can go to sleep, Natalie. I'll be up to watch the girls." Blake insists, reaching his arm far enough to touch mine. 

"I've got to stay awake, I can't just leave you with them." I shake my head, and rub my eyes.

He rolls his eyes, "Nat, just take a nap. I'll wake you up when the nurse comes to get you."

"Are you sure?" I inquire, pulling my legs into the seat. 

He nods, smiling gently. I let out a breath, leaning my head on the wall again. My eyes slowly flutter closed, letting me drift off to a dreamless sleep. 

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