Chapter 28

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I am cut off by Dad running through the door, out of breath, "Somebody froze the whole entire chasm!"

Uh oh. 

"W-what? That's so weird!" I stutter. 

He puts a hand on his chest, "Nat, was it you?" 

"I-er I would never do that!" 

"Because if it was, that is hilarious!" 

I let my tense shoulders drop, laughing, "Yeah, I kind of did. That 'run' this morning was actually me and Blake hanging out, and we froze the chasm for no reason. We almost got caught, but we ran off in time." 

Dad shakes his head, chuckling. "You guys are such idiots. Come on, you have to see the crowd." 

Mom stays with the girls, while I run with Dad out to the chasm. It seems like the whole entire compound is gathered around it, either screaming, laughing or trying to push someone across the edge. 

I maneuver my way to the front, seeing that the ice is still solid. Max, he has been a leader as long as I have remembered, stands at the front of everything, baffled. 

"Dauntless!" His voice booms.

The whole place hushes, replaced by quiet whispers and the shuffle of feet. I feel someone grab my arm, and I'm pulled back into the swarm. Blake holds me close, "Don't fess up to anything until we hear what he has to say." He whispers. 

I nod, a lump in my throat.

Max paces along the edge of the rail we conjured up, his fingers running along the wood, "Obviously, one of our Divergent Residents did this, although it's not common for someone to have enough power to freeze a whole chasm." 

His eyes scan the room, a menacing gaze, "So it is safe to assume two people were put up to this. Now, there won't be any serious repercussions, if the culprits confess now." 

He says something else, but I at least have an idea. I look past the people, to the frozen waters of the chasm. All I do is focus, concentrated. Boom. The water unfreezes, spraying Max all up the back. 

People laugh, and Max smiles, shaking his head, "I'll figure it out. For now, go on to your duties." 

The crowd disperses, and I break away from Blake. Dad is nowhere to be seen, so I just run back to our apartment. Eliza is done eating, passed out in a rocker, and Mom is feeding Ashlen while finishing her breakfast. 

I run over, smiling, "That was awesome." 

Mom raises an eyebrow, "What did you do?" 

"Well, you know I froze the chasm. Max yelled at everyone there that the culprit had to fess up or whatever, and I don't know how, but I unfroze the whole thing while he was talking. He got completely soaked in water, and then everyone left." 

Mom laughs, shaking her head, "You remind me of myself." 


"An idiot." 

I glare, "Thanks. Love you too Mom." 

She laughs, leaning over to give me a kiss on the forehead. 

She finishes feeding Ashlen, and lays her down in her matching rocker next to Eliza. They are both sound asleep now. 

I shove the rest of the food in my mouth, and go over to my room. Well, I'm already dressed enough, might as well figure out something to do today. 

I could always text Nadia, she always wants to do something. I have a lot of credits to spend from the Divergent safe house, so I know she would appreciate a shopping spree. 

After confirming with her, I run out to the kitchen, "Mom, can I go shopping with Nadia?" 

She looks up from her book, "I guess, bring Brutus." 

I look at the front door, spotting our guard. Sometimes I forget he lives with us, well, most of the time. He is like a ninja. 

I run into my room, putting on a black long sleeve crop top instead of my sweatshirt, and slip on some combat boots as I walk out of my room. 

Brutus puts his gun in his holster, and hands me my purse. 

"Thanks Brutus." 

"You're welcome Miss." 

We walk out, and he follows me close behind as I run to Nadia's apartment. The second my hand hits the door, it swings open, "Natalie! We haven't gone to the mall in like FOR. EVER." 

I laugh, giving her a hug, "You are so much like your mom it's scary."

She laughs, "Are we going to the streets or the mall they restarted." 

I shrug, "Probably the streets, I heard the opened a new ice cream store." 

She squeals, jumping up and down. Like I said, spitting image of Aunt Christina. 

We walk past the apartments, and to the long climb of stairs I already took this morning. Finally, we get to the top of the roof. It isn't raining anymore, luckily. 

"Hey Brutus, have you ever jumped onto the trains before?" I ask watching it approach. 

"Once or twice, I can do it." He mumbles, mimicking our run. 

The noise of the wheels against tracks grows louder, and Nadia and I jump in at the same time, cleanly. Brutus lags a little, and stumbles in, but makes it. 

"How do you do that every day?" He huffs, sitting near the edge of the door. 

 My eyes widen, "Get in closer! When we get faster you'll fall out!" 

He hurriedly scoots into the middle of the train car. 

It's so weird seeing this grown man not knowing how to use the Dauntless train cars. 

I lean against the wall, "And back to your other question, we have been jumping into these since we were five. You get used to it." 

"ANYWAYS, Nat, what do you want to get?" Nadia says, changing the subject. 

I shrug, "Probably clothes, food, an outfit for my birthday party." 

She nods, "That is in a few weeks, isn't it. What are you planning?" 

I sit up straighter, "We are going to a lake in Amity, cake, presents, you know, the usual. " 

"Is that it?" She asks, looking almost disgusted.

"What more should there be?" 

She rolls her eyes, "So much, get swimming toys, a lake inflatable, we can do cliff jumping, make it more fun." 

I laugh,  "Sure, why not." 

"Don't worry, I'll help you with everything." 

"Whatever you say." 

She grins, satisfied. Finally, we are approaching downtown Chicago. 

"Come on Brutus, we have to jump off." I yell, over the wind getting louder. 

He hesitantly gets up, watching as Nadia and I jump off the edge with ease. This stop lands on grass, which is easier than a building you can fall off of. Brutus comes behind us, falls flat on his face, and acts like nothing ever happened. Finally, we head downtown, ready for a day of shopping. It's almost normal again. Almost. 

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